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It was a sunday night, and Renjun was over at Jeno's apartment. He had just released a new album, and all his friends were over to celebrate.

"Can't believe you're already releasing another album." Shotaro spoke as the six group of friends made a cheer. Of course, each and every one of them were drinking different beverages.
"It feels like only yesterday that I've just started releasing music. But it's nearing three years already." Jeno stated before he chugged down a can of beer.
"Any thoughts on collaborating with an artist? I feel like your fans would really like that." Haechan questions.
"I've been thinking of collaborating with this underground artist called 'forever April'. nobody knows what her face looks like, but i've been a big fan of her music since she started releasing them four years ago. My team and I are trying to get in contact with her manager but it's been really hard because then again, nobody knows her identity or what label she's under." Jeno answers.

"Who knows, maybe next year you'd finally get a hold of her." Jaemin spoke.
"So, any life updates from the rest of you?" Jaemin then continues to ask.
"Not really, life has been the same. Going to the dance studio, teach, create choreographys, go home, and repeat." Shotaro sighs tiredly as he lays back on the couch.
"Same, my life is boring. I just go to work then get home to see my girlfriend heheeheh." Haechan chuckles.

"How about you Renjun?" Yangyang asks as he glances over at his friend.
He's been quiet this whole time. Preferring to just listen to his friends talk about whatever the fuck they wanted as he just sadly sips on his drink.
He finally looks up, seeing all his friends looking at him eagerly.

"I've actually been thinking of finally moving on. I've been a bit too interested in one of my customers who surprisingly turns out to be the famous author Lilith." He finally speaks as all his friends looks at him in surprise. As if what he just said was revolutionary.
"IT'S ABOUT FUCKING TIME. CHEERS TO AN ERA OF RENJUN FINALLY HEALING!" Haechan exclaims as the group of friends cheered.
"I see you got a specific type here. Aigoo Injun likes girls who writes, read books and drinks tea." Jaemin cooes as Renjun glares at him. I mean he wasn't wrong.

"So what are you planning to do now?" Shotaro asks.
"Get her attention first. I feel as if she's always busy with her work, and we only interract when I walk past her or if I'm the one thats handing out her order. I think i'm just not interesting to talk to or look at." Renjun answers as he comes up with a plan.
"You should try dyeing your hair again. Your hair is so boring, no wonder why you don't catch anyones attention. Look at Hugo and his dark blue hair, that kid basically attracts the customers to your cafe." Yangyang spats as Renjun looks at him with his teeths gritted.
"Atleast my hair is healthy unlike yours. It isn't dry and fried like yours because you keep dyeing it all the time, your hair practically looks electrocuted." Renjun retorts as their other friends all covered their mouths to stop a laugh from escaping their lips.
Yangyang was just giving him advice. Why the hell did he get roasted in return??
"You take back your words Huang!" He exclaims, he wasnt just going to let him slander his hair. Besides it wasnt in such a horrible state, what was Renjun on about??

"I think Yangyangs right. People with coloured hair usually attracts more attention." Jeno backs Yangyang up. Renjun eyeing Yangyang as the lad strongly nodded his head with so much pride now that Jeno had agreed with him.
"Try dyeing your hair like what you did five years ago, to get a reaction out of her." Haechan suggested a mischvious idea.
"The two toned hair?" Renjun quetions as the male with gorgeous tan skin nodded his head.
"Dont give the poor girl a scare." Says Jaemin.

Renjun looks at Haechan tiredly.
"I'm trying to move on from the past. Not reminisce on it and dye my hair the same colour that I did when she left." He points out as Haechan scratches the back of his head in embarassment.
"Oh yeah, you're kinda right I guess."

ENCHANTED | (h. Renjun) ✓Where stories live. Discover now