19. Entertainment

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The room was huge, filled with a fireplace, a massive bed, a chessboard table, draws and a huge mirror. The countess was trying out her new yewelery, posing in front of the mirror, making a few comments towards the count. He sat near the fireplace, reading a book. That is, till I entered, the countess was the one who shouted at me in rage "Knock before you enter servant!!!" The count only nodded at this, turning the page in his book. I did as she told me, leaving the room, closing the door and knock twice. "Enter!" shouted the lady of the castle, pointing at the seat next to her husband "Sit there!"

Once I sat on the opposite side of the count, he shut his book and ordered me to arrange the figures on the board before us. He wanted to play chess? Fair enough! I placed them all in place, giving the count the black figures. He seems to be pleased with that, as he leaned back in his chair "Wise choice, servant." However, as the playing began, his joy dropped fast, as I won the first round. Unlike him, who breathed in sharp, I received a slap from the countess, once I said 'check mate'. "How dare you win against my husband? Mind your manners girl!!!" she was about to his me once more, as another hand blocked her way to me. The count stood up, holding his wife's hand firm, glaring at her "That's enough! Leave at once!!!" He didn't look at his wife, so I assumed he meant me, as I stood up. He moved his head towards me, pushing me down into the chair "You stay here!!!"

Once he dragged the countess out, a little too rough in my opinion, he sat down again glaring at me.

"You will not leave this room, until I have beaten you!" I thought it was a joke of him, but his angered expression made it clear...he was dead serious! Another few rounds, he won most of them. Even though he had already done with demand, he kept on playing...making it the 9th round. At the end he won 6 rounds and I got 3, he smiled all of a sudden at me, this had send shivers down my spine "For the first time there's a reliable servant to play with." I was afraid of him, as I remembered of the girl with her ripped clothes. "And the girl before me?" I said out loud on accident. I expected a slap for this, but he only...laughed? "This useless didn't know how to play games. She wasn't even useful for anything else." "Such as?" I froze at myself, talking towards the count without permission. To my surprise, he didn't seem to mind it "She was supposed to try on my wives dress, but she managed to rip it on the shoulders. She ripped her clothes as punishment, slapping her across the face several times." I sighted deeply; relieved it wasn't what I expected.

But the count noticed this and smirked "She isn't my mistress, if that's what you thought."

"No, no I didn't mean that it just...." "I have a mistress already!" he interrupted, holding his hand up to shut me up "and for the future, you should open your mouth unless you are told to. You may leave, tomorrow I expect you to entertain me at something else." I nodded, sitting up and bow deep at him.

In the evening I had to help in the kitchen peeling potatoes with two other maids. On that night I meet his mistress, a beautiful woman with a pale skin, long brown hair and hazelnut eyes. She receives her dresses from the room, next to the countess dressing room. The clothes the lady of the castle didn't like anymore, gets thrown into that room. Maids have to clean, brush, decorate and dress her. She always has to look her best before meeting the count in his private chambers. The older members of the kitchen informed me that no one, not even the countess is allowed to enter his room. I was allowed to, to clean the chambers later on...as an exception.

She was ready for the night, which gives everyone notices of not appearing on the third floor. The count prefers to be alone with his mistress, while I have to wait, till his butler is coming to get me.

To my surprise, it didn't take long.

An hour passed and she came back down to us, crying. She went past me, knocking me to the side with her massive dress. Out of the corner I could hear the old ladies chuckle "another night she couldn't please the count eh?" said one of them "That's the third time in a row"snickered the other.

I was furious at them...like they could do it better!

Even so, I had no time to argue, as the butler came down to me "Servant, the chamber is free to clean." I took my bucket and my other stuff to clean with and headed towards the third floor. Once I reached it, it became quiet. It was creepy as every other part of the castle was loud, with people shouting, but here...nothing. On this floor was only one room that I opened without much thought.

Inside, it was a lot more luxurious that the last room I been in. The walls and furniture were all in dark red and gold covered, it was hard not to stare around. "I backed away a minute later, as my eyes meet the ones of the count. He was half way undressed, looking rather amused than annoyed. "I should have known that it's been you. No other servant goes into a room without knocking" he said chuckling.

"I-I-I'm supposed to...clean?" I tried to say pointing around the room.

"I can't remember that this was your job to do so. Never mind! Get me water from the table over there" he said, heading back to the room he came out off. I filled a glass with the liquid and went after him, only see him strip naked, getting into the bath tub. He was holding his hand out for me to give him his drink. But as I was about to leave the bath, he told me to stop. "Get more hot water, then, you wash my back, understood?" I swallowed hard, not to faint at the thought, as I bowed down before leaving.

Downstairs I got the hot water, filled into two buckets, handed by the two old ladies from before. "Is the count furious?" asked one of them. I shrugged "He seems to be fine, from what I could see." The other old woman slapped my shoulder playful "How did you seduce him eh?" I asked her on what she is on about, but they both only laughed at my puzzled face. "The mistress told us, that he was furious as she left the chambers, so, how did you manage to lift his mood?"

Honestly... I have no idea!

I wasn't sure of what to say, but out conversation was cut short, as the count's butler appeared "Servant, the hot water for the count!!! He is losing his patience just now!!!"

Without wasting any more time, I grabbed the buckets and headed towards his bath. Because of the weight, it took me a while. Once I reached the bath tub, he looked at me, ordering me to pour it into the tub. But...he wasn't angry at all! Instead, he handed me a sponge and turned his back to me. I had a hard time not to blush, as his back was rather nice to touch, despite all of the scars.

Unfortunately, he didn't stop there. He turned around and ordered me to wash him at the front two, smirking at my red face. I would be lying if I didn't enjoy it, but come on...cant he just wash himself?

He did this on purpose, I thought, trying not to look at his well toned torso all too much.

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