Chapter 3 - Unexpected request

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I know most people see classes as something you just have to get through. Some even hate them.

Not me.

I was brought up to value learning. Not education. Education is static, something you get and have. Learning is a lifelong process that should be interesting and fascinating.

Growing up, we were always learning. My mom would take me to origami classes one week. The next we'd learn flower arranging. Every week, my dad would buy new books until our house was filled to the brim.

And once I learned to read, they never discouraged me from reading any book I wanted. Sometimes, they would warn me if they thought the book was too scary or mature for me. But they never kept books or learning from me.

So once they realized I needed more than they could provide with their homeschooling, and I started high school, I was mesmerized.

It was the first time I had structure to my learning. And I loved it. I still do.

But that eagerness to learn is fighting with my annoyance as I get to the first class of the new year.

"Woah," Bella says as I approach them. "What is going on here?" She holds out her palm toward me and makes a wide circle.

"Nice hair," Tim says and nods without removing his arms from around Bella as she turns around, leaning her back against his chest.

"Thanks," I say.

"Yeah, the hair looks awesome," Bella says. "But your energy is practically strangling me."

I half roll my eyes at Bella's dramatics. It's not for nothing she's a theater major.

"It's nice to see you too," I say.

"Why are you in such a bad mood? Do you not like your new hair?"

"I love my hair."

"As you should." She looks at me demandingly with her big eyes and I sigh.

"I've told you about Kat's brother, right?"

Tim laughs. "The hockey star? Yeah, you may have mentioned him."

I scowl at him but decide to ignore him and turn to Bella. "He keeps acting as if he has every right in the world to control Kat, and it's pissing me off."

"In what way is he controlling?" Bella asks while Tim nuzzles her.

Around us, bleary-eyed students are sinking into sofas or just onto the floor against a wall, waiting for class to start.

"He keeps checking up on her, and he hates that she's in a relationship. Acting as if she needs his approval."

"Maybe he's just a bit overprotective?"

I scoff. "And maybe the Sahara is just a bit sandy."

"Maybe he's insecure," Tim says. "Some guys can't handle women not needing them. They think their masculinity is tied to being able to control women they feel are under their protection. It's like they need to assert some kind of dominance."

Bella looks up at him. "Is that what you're doing here?" She pats his arms that are holding her tightly and he gives her a big grin.

"Maybe," I say and frown. "He doesn't seem insecure, but he does act it sometimes."

"I hate guys like that," Bella says. "They don't value women as equals." She turns her head back to Tim. "You never act that way."

"Because I have no reason to be insecure. I found my perfect partner." He leans in and kisses her and I groan out loud.

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