Chapter 14 - Dinner

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I've started looking for her in the parking lot. After every game I find myself looking around, wondering if she'll be there.

I saw her at the game today; she was wearing the jersey again. I still don't know whose name it has, but she keeps wearing a jacket over it. Which should be against the rules.

When I spot her, her jacket is closed and I can't tell if she's still wearing the jersey underneath. She's standing with Kat and Lydia, talking and laughing. And looking so beautiful, it takes my breath away.

I quickly shake my head. I must be dehydrated or something. Perhaps I'm not drinking enough during games.

I walk up to them. Kat is the first one to spot me. Her face does a weird grin and looks from me to Morgan.

"You really can't stay away from the games anymore, can you?" I ask her.

She shrugs. "It's interesting now."

"So all it took was having a boyfriend on the team? A brother wasn't enough?"

"Not really," she says, and I try not to wince.

"Siblings are not the same," Lydia says. Her face brightens as she spots someone behind me. Wes. "Thanks for hanging out with me," she says to Morgan. "I'll see you soon."

"See you," Kat and Morgan say as she hurries off to her boyfriend.

"There's Brick. I should go congratulate him," Kat says and skips off.

"What about me?" I hold out my hands. "I'm the captain, don't I deserve a congrats?" But she's already thrown herself into his arms. I turn back to Morgan.

"Congratulations on the win," she says and avoids looking at me.

"Thanks." I clear my throat. "Listen, last night was..." What the fuck do I even say? Unexpected? Fun? A mistake?

"Let's just pretend it never happened."

"Right." I suck in a breath. "Tequila."

"Yes." She sounds relieved. "Tequila."

I glance over at Kat and Brick. His arm is around her shoulders and she's explaining something to him.

"...and over her head. But I can show you the book later. I have it in paperback, but I'm not done with it yet, so you can't borrow it."

Brick has a shit-eating grin on his face that I would love to punch into oblivion. I force my eyes back to Morgan so I won't make a scene. She rolls her eyes with a smile on her face. A smile I kind of like.

"JD," Brick says. "Will you be joining us?"

I stop looking at Morgan. "What?"

"We're going to this new place Morgan recommended," Kat says. "Do you want to come with?"

There's an eager expectation on my sister's face. She wants me to join them. Probably because she wants me to get along with Brick. I take a deep breath. The way she's leaning into him, as if it's the most natural thing in the world, tells me he's going to be in her life for a while.

I haven't spent a lot of time with Kat and Brick together. Maybe if I hang out with them, I can see how he treats her.

Morgan is biting her lip. The lip I had in my mouth last night. What the fuck was that kiss even about?

"Sure, I'll join you."

"I'll drive." Brick grabs his keys. I really should look into getting a car of my own. He unlocks the car and opens the passenger door for Kat. She gets in as if it's her rightful place in the world.

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