Chapter 23 - Kicked out

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"You're here again?" I say a few days later as I get home from class and find Kat in the living room.

"Happy Valentine's day," she says and pauses the game she's playing by herself.

I groan. I've been trying to forget about that. Why do women always put everything into overdrive on this particular holiday? If they have a boyfriend, they expect to be buried in chocolate and teddy bears. If they don't, they go all out trying to get one.

It's been a crazy couple of days avoiding desperate puck bunnies.

Dumping my bag by the stairs, I head to the kitchen to check if there are any leftovers.

"Is it? Or is it just an excuse to eat chocolate and watch soppy movies?"

That's what Kat usually does on Valentine's day. Growing up, she wasn't really allowed to date, so she always spent it on the living room couch, watching romantic comedies.

At least, as far as I know. I was allowed to date, so I am familiar with the panic of getting gifts that mean just as much as you want them too, without promising too much.

She puts down the controller and gets up. I open a tupperware and find some leftover pasta with chicken.

"Not this year," she smiles as she sits on the stool by the island.

I grimace and grab a plate. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, this is the first Valentine's day I have a boyfriend, and I'm going to make the most of it."

"So you get to share your chocolate?" I plate up a decent amount and close the lid.

"Among other things."

I glance over at her as I open the fridge. She looks happy. I put the container away. And spot chocolate covered strawberries. And some uncooked shrimp.

"Where's Brick?" I ask.

"He had to run to the store. But he'll be back soon."

Slowly, I close the fridge and bring my plate to the microwave.

"And when he comes back?"

"He's cooking us dinner."

Right. He sent a message earlier that we were on our own for dinner today. Hence the leftovers. But he'll be cooking for Kat.

"Are you serious?" I stare at her.


"You're eating here?"

"Yes. Because Brick is cooking here. Because he lives here."

I shake my head. The fuck does this mean?

"You're not staying the night."

"Yes, I am."

I don't like this new assertiveness Kat has going. She's not even hesitating. She didn't use to stand up to me like this.

When we were kids, she looked up to me as her protector and big brother. Not anymore.

All I wanted for tonight was to eat my leftovers and have a quiet night in my room as I try to understand this fucking Public Administration stuff.

"No." There is no way I'll get any rest if I have to worry about hearing her all night. Especially since I'm pretty sure Wes is staying with Lydia and Ethan and Liam decided to hit up some weird singles party, so it would be just us in the house.

"JD, I'm staying here tonight, whether you like it or not."

I grab my food from the microwave.

"And what do you want me to do?" I slam the plate down. "I can't be here knowing you're... up to something."

"It's no big deal. It's not like the rooms are next to each other. Brick's room is down here and yours is upstairs on the other side of the house."

I shake my head. "No. It's too weird." Personally, I think I'm making a lot of progress in accepting their relationship, but this is taking it too far.

Kat sighs. "Fine, how about you spend the night at the dorm? Morgan is staying with her parents, so you'll have it all to yourself."

"Why can't you stay at the dorm, then? It's your dorm."

"With a tiny bed. Do you really think Brick fits in there comfortably?"

I really don't want to think about Brick in any bed, least of all hers.

"Fine. I'll stay at the dorm. Can I eat my dinner first?"

She smiles sweetly. "Thank you, big bro."

I shake my head as I stuff my face. She's lucky I love her enough to put up with her.

After finishing my dinner, I grab some stuff. Brick is back and busy in the kitchen with Kat watching. There are too many candles for my liking and soft music playing.

"Don't go through my stuff," Kat shouts after me as I head out. "You won't like what you find." I freeze. She's laughing and there's a soft chuckle from Brick. Yeah, I won't be looking at anything. "Oh, and don't mess with Morgan's stuff, either. Because you know she will kick your ass if you snoop."

"No snooping, got it." I say as I quickly leave.

I think Morgan would be proud of me. I'm respecting Kat's privacy and I found a solution that means I can pretend all they'll do tonight is watch a movie and instantly fall asleep.

As I turn on the light in their dorm, the room feels strange. I've never been here alone before. Maybe once or twice when Kat's gone to the bathroom or something, but that's about it.

My entire body is itching to look through the drawers and closet. Morgan's jersey is there. The one with some guy's name on the back.

But as much as I want to, it's not right of me to snoop. Especially since Morgan doesn't even know I'm here.

I sit at Kat's desk, grab my textbook and struggle through another chapter that makes no sense. There has to be a way to make this comprehensible. I'm not stupid, so it should be possible for me to learn.

I'm not smart either. I've always been an average student. My parents think it's because I put all my effort into hockey, but I came to terms a long time ago with the fact that I'm just not smart.

It doesn't really bother me. I know what I can do and what I'm good at. School was never one of those things. But at times like these, I wish I was just a bit smarter so I wouldn't struggle so much.

After a few hours of little progress, I give up and get undressed. Part of me wants to slide into Morgan's bed. I could envelop myself in her scent.

I shake my head and get into Kat's bed. It wouldn't be right. It would cross a line and I was raised to be respectful to women.

I'm already drifting into sleep when the door opens. It closes gently and I turn my head so I can see who it is. As if my body doesn't already know.

"Are you awake?" Morgan whispers into the dark room.

I roll onto my back and Morgan takes that as a yes. She sighs deeply.

"That was such a crapfest of a date." I hear shoes being kicked off. "I hope you don't mind I came back."

"You had a date?" I ask and sit up.

Morgan screams, and I hear her stumble into something as she backs away from me. Fuck! I scared her.

The lights turn on and I blink a few times.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She's clutching an arm to her chest and looks murderous.

"Kat kicked me out of the house. She said it was ok because you wouldn't be here."

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