Chapter 19 - Birthday drunk

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"Two weekends in a row, baby," Anthon yells across the parking lot as I meet up with him after the game on Friday. He's a big guy, like most hockey players, with dark brown hair and warm brown eyes.

Anthon was one of the first people I met when I started high school. He instantly adopted me as his friend and we've been close ever since. Lately, I've started to worry we're growing apart. Which I suppose is normal, but since I'm the one that moved away, I feel guilty.

Not that Anthon would ever blame me. He's been busy with his own life, the hockey team and finding a boyfriend.

"You think I'd miss your birthday?" I say and give him a hug. "Happy birthday."

"Hey, babe," Dennis says as soon as I let him go. He kisses Anthon on the cheek. "I'm sorry you lost again."

I like Dennis. He's a musician and plays guitar in a band. He's also studying hospitality and manages a restaurant. I always get the feeling he has more hours in the day than most people.

Next to Anthon, he seems almost lanky. I'm not sure why, but he reminds me of a vampire. Maybe it's the pale skin or the black hair, or his lush lips.

"We were close, though," Anthon says. "Two more goals, and we would have had it. And I think we're getting better." He looks at me questioningly.

"Sure," I lie. Honestly, after getting used to watching UNI play, watching Rivers is painfully frustrating. There are times when I think I could do better. And I don't skate.

But I like the guys on the team. There are very few egos and they're always there for each other.

"Did you guys eat?" Anthon asks.

"We had some snacks," I say. I met up with Dennis right before the game and sat with him. He's not really a sports guy, but he's so proud to wear Anthon's jersey and he's trying to learn. So I spent most of the game explaining the rules to him.

Another thing I've noticed since coming back here is how much more modern the UNI arena is. The Den is the pride of the Lions and sees a lot of regular improvements and updates.

But here at Rivers, hockey is not a priority. The money goes to football and, for some odd reason, equestrian sports.

"Let's head to Funny's," Anthon says and puts his arm around Dennis' shoulders. "I need a burger or two."

Funny's is the hockey bar close to the university. The owner, Fynn Harmer, supposedly played for the River otters a while back when they were still good and decided to open up a hockey themed bar.

He gives a discount on burgers for the players, so it's the favorite hangout place for the hockey team. Rumor has it, if they ever win a game, the burgers will be on the house.

When we get there, the after party is in full swing. There's hockey paraphernalia on the walls and a couple of TVs showing hockey games. Some of them are live, others are old games from years or even decades ago. Fynn does his own thing and the rest of us just go with it.

"Anthon, good work today," Nolan, the team captain, says as we enter. He's at a large table with a couple of the guys and waves us over.

I nod at Drew and Carter as I sit down. They're staring at each other over a plate of what looks like ten deep fried chilies and a large glass of milk.

"I'll get our food," Dennis says and goes to speak to Fynn. Some nights it's much faster to order at the bar than to wait for the one of the two servers Fynn deigns to hire.

"What's going on?" I ask as Drew and Carter.

"At least one of these," Drew says and points to the plate, "is a ghost pepper."

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