Chapter 46 - The B&B

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I fucking can't believe my so-called friends would do something like this. Morgan keeps close to me as we walk down the road with our bags.

I should carry her bag. No. She probably doesn't want me to.

They left us here. In the middle of nowhere. Without phones or money. And they must have planned it. I should never have come on this trip.

I slow my steps so Morgan can keep up with me.

"Did you know about this?" I ask as we turn into the snow-covered garden.

There's a few parking spots off to one side. Behind them, the sun is setting, making the whole experience feel surreal.

"That they were going to leave us stranded? No. I didn't know. Do you really think I would have come if I knew?"

Probably not. She's made it clear she wants nothing to do with me.

I walk up the stairs and open the heavy door. The smell of fresh bread greets us immediately as we step into the warm, welcoming lobby. A bell on the door jingles. I stomp my feet to get rid of the snow and look around.

There's a small front desk up against a wall and a staircase with a white bannister. Through a door straight ahead, I see a dining room with small round tables. A woman, maybe in her fifties, emerges from there.

"Welcome," she says with a big, motherly smile. "I'm Hattie. Harry is in the kitchen right now. Are you Morgan and JD?"

I give Morgan a look. She seems as confused as I am.

"Yes," I say. "It seems our former friends made a reservation for us?"

"I take it this was a surprise?" she asks, still smiling as she walks across the room to check a computer.

"You could say that," Morgan mutters as we approach the desk.

"Well," she looks up at us. "We have your room all ready for you. I have the key right here."

I take it. "We're going to need two rooms."

"I'm sorry." She winks at me. "We're all booked."

"You don't have any rooms available?" Morgan asks.

"Nope, just the one."

I look around. An open door to our left leads to a sitting room. An empty sitting room. And there were no cars out front.

"All your rooms are occupied?" I don't believe that for a second.

"I'm sure you'll enjoy the room. It's one of our best ones." She comes out from behind the desk and ushers us to the stairs. "As I said, Harry is in the kitchen preparing the dinner. It'll be ready in a bit, but you have time to get settled first."

She shows us to a nice-looking room with a queen sized bed and what looks like a relatively hard armchair.

"Thank you," Morgan says as Hattie leaves and closes the door. She drops her bag on the floor. "I can't believe they did this. I never thought Kat would do something like this."

"This has Ethan written all over it. He loves pulling these kinds of pranks."

"Doesn't it have to be funny to be a prank?" She takes off her jacket and I can't look away. Underneath, she's wearing a tight sweater and the way it hugs her makes me wish my hands were under it.

She puts the jacket aside and I blink and turn away.

"He loves these ridiculous set-ups." I put my bag on the chair and wonder if that's going to be where I sleep tonight. It doesn't look comfortable. Not like the bed with its fluffy pillows and comforter.

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