Chapter 13 - Telling Kat

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After a long day of classes, I meet up with Kat at the dorm and we get ready. I have to admit that it's a lot of fun to have someone to go to the games with.

Even if I kissed her brother.

I really should tell her. But what if she takes it the wrong way? Would she get mad? Upset? Disappointed? What if she thinks I'm betraying her?

It was just one kiss. And there was alcohol involved. It's not like it'll ever happen again. It was a one-time thing.

I grab my jersey off the hanger.

"Are you ever going to tell him?" Kat asks.

"What?" Deep in thought, I wonder if I said something out loud or if she's reading my mind. "Who?"

"JD." She looks at me expectantly.

I can feel myself blushing. "What do you mean?" Does she know? She can't.

She sighs. "Are you ever going to tell my brother that you're wearing his jersey?"

I blink at her as I try to sort out her words.

My eyes focus on the jersey I'm holding. I straighten the fabric, only to reveal Hartford and the number eleven.

Confused, I stare at it. I've had this jersey all year. It was a gift from my parents. They said something about getting it at an auction and how they wanted to support my new school.

I didn't pay much attention at the time, just thanked them for it. I must have read the name on the back and forgotten about it.

I never thought it mattered. I was excited to go to UNI and sure; I liked the gift. They know I love hockey and I appreciated that they got me something I wanted. But I never cared whose name was on it.

"Fuck," I say, still staring at JD's name and number.

"You didn't know?" Kat asks.

I shake my head. "No. My parents got it for me. They wanted me to have something to wear to games. They also gave me some other UNI merch, t-shirts and stuff. I guess it slipped my mind."

I immediately wonder if I've ever worn it without the jacket. I don't think so, but what if people have seen me with it? Fuck, that's embarrassing.

"I thought it was odd, seeing as you don't get along. But I thought maybe you did it for me?"

I shake my head, wondering if I can still wear it. Suddenly, I spin on Kat.

"You can never tell him."


"Don't breathe a word to JD about the jersey. If he ever finds out, he's going to be insufferable."

"What's the big deal? It's just a jersey."

"Promise me, Kat. Or I'm telling Brick you have a balloon fetish."

Her eyes go wide before she smiles and shakes her head. "Fine, I won't tell him. But what's the big deal? I wear Brick's jersey."

She does, and she looks like she's drowning in it.

"He's your boyfriend."

I pull on the jersey, that doesn't quite feel the same this time. Hiding JD's name with my jacket, I try to imprint into my brain to never take it off, no matter how hot I get. Not until I can change out of it. I grab a jumper and shove it in my bag.

"I just think it's hilarious," Kat says as we head out the door. "Considering you basically hate him and all."

"Yes, very funny."

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