Chapter 6 - Distractions

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It's impossible not to notice Brick smiling and waving as soon as we hit the ice. All I have to do is follow his gaze to find Kat and Morgan.

Morgan isn't wearing the jersey today. But she is in team colors. More black than yellow, but that surprises no one.

Kat turns around and shows her back to Brick to let him know she's wearing his number. She also has it painted on her cheek as if she's declaring herself completely his. I narrow my eyes at him, but he's grinning as he takes his position.

I do my best to keep my head in the game. Every once in a while I find thoughts straying to the women in the audience. Kat, not Morgan.

To ban her from my mind, I play aggressively and force myself to stay focused. It's an important game and not only do I need to play at my best, but I need to make sure all the guys are as well.

Jonathan is in a bad mood and throws his gloves more than once. None of the guys hesitate to back him up, but it's not like him to be so volatile, so I make a note to talk to him later.

It's a struggle down to the last couple of seconds, but we win 2-1. And the entire Den cheers.

After the celebrations, I keep an eye on Brick in the locker room. He's not rushing through his routine, but neither is he dawdling.

Part of me wants to hurry outside to see who'll be there waiting. But the more responsible part finds Jonathan as he throws his helmet full force into his locker.

"Hey, man, what's up?"

"Nothing," he grunts and sits down.

"Don't give me that." I stand in front of him as he tears at his skates. "Whatever's going on is finding its way onto the ice."

He looks about ready to murder someone. "I'll figure it out."

When he turns his face to me, I can see the anger, but I also see something else. Desperation? Sadness?

"Tell me. Maybe I can help."

He shakes his head. "There's nothing you can do." Clearing his throat, he takes a look around and I sit down next to him. "It's my sister. Her husband gave her a black eye, and she refuses to leave him."


"Yeah. Mom already made me promise not to do anything. He has friends in the police force and would love to see me locked up."

"Can't you talk to her?"

He laughs. "Don't you think I've tried? He's forbidden her from calling me and he made her block me. Mom says I just have to stay away so I don't make it worse."

I lean my elbows on my knees and stare ahead into nothing. "I'm not sure I can help you with this one."

"It's alright man. I'm going to head to the gym and pretend the punching bag is that son of a bitch."

"Let me know if you need anything. We can talk more later."

He nods.

Feeling utterly helpless, I get up and get changed. This is not what I expected to deal with when I became captain. Jonathan keeps slamming stuff and swearing at people. Liam gives me a look, but all I can do is shake my head for him to leave Jonathan alone.

Fuck. If it was Kat, I would be in jail by now. I can't blame him for being in a shitty mood.

I shower and get ready as fast as I can and only leave right after Brick. As soon as he's in the parking lot, Kat runs up to him and throws her arms around him. He picks her up as if it's the most natural thing in the world and I study them carefully. Holding her waist, he spins her around and she laughs. When she tells him to put her down, he does, but he doesn't let go of her.

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