Chapter 35 - The morning after

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I wake up with a sense of something being strange. I'm comfy and sleepy and I feel so at ease I think I must be wrong. Then there's a soft breath.

Shit. I'm in JD's bed. I must have fallen asleep.

Carefully, and quietly, I shimmy away from him and feel the floor for my clothes. I find a t-shirt and my underwear. It's not my shirt, but I put it on, anyway. There's no way I'm leaving this room naked, and I can't stay here.

JD's soft breaths fill the room as I tiptoe to the door and slowly open it. The hallway has some light in it and I finally let out my breath as the door closes behind me. I have to stop falling asleep in his bed.

I straighten my back and turn for the stairs. And freeze. The light is coming from Wes' room. And he's standing in the doorway, grinning at me.

My eyes flicker to the door of the room I just left, then down to the t-shirt I'm wearing. Yeah, there's no way to explain that away. All I can do is glare at him as I head for the stairs and escape to Brick's room.

It's only four o'clock, so I get into the large bed and ignore how cold it feels and try to get some more sleep.

The next time I wake up, it's morning.

I take a luxurious shower in the private bathroom and get dressed. I leave JD's t-shirt on the bed and head to the living area to scrounge up some breakfast.

"Good morning," I say when I see Liam and Ethan.

Liam is sitting at the island with a bowl of cereal. Ethan is resting his head on his outstretched arm on the dining table, looking pale.

"Good morning, indeed," Liam says with a smile and I roll my eyes.

"Had fun tonight?" Ethan asks in a weak tone.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask and find myself a bowl.

"He's sick," Liam says. "Probably whatever Kat has. Can you tell him to go to his room and stop infecting us?"

"Go to your room, Ethan," I say. "Get some sleep and ride it out."

"But I want toast." He gives me puppy eyes and I sigh.

"Liam, make him toast before we get sick."


"Yes, you."

"Why doesn't he do it himself?"

"You really want him getting his germs all over the kitchen?"

Liam grumbles as I sit down by the island, but puts a couple of slices of bread in the toaster.

"And tea," Ethan says. "Or I'll cough all over the microwave."

Liam gives him a death stare but prepares the tea.

"So," Liam says as he pushes the food towards Ethan. "Wes tells us you got lost tonight. Did you forget where Brick's room was?"

"Shut up." I eat my cereal and ignore them.

"It's not like we didn't know," Ethan says. "You're pretty loud."

"And you made JD loud," Liam says and sits back down next to me.

"We just didn't know JD did sleepovers."

"It wasn't a sleepover," I say. "He's just a good fuck."

Ethan coughs. "I could be a good fuck. Do you want to try?"

"Not really." I study him over a spoonful.

"I'm insulted," he says and sips his tea.

"Morning, everyone," JD says as he comes down the stairs.

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