Chapter 20 - Bluebird

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It's Saturday night and we are getting ready to go out just like we have a hundred times before. The house is pumping with music from downstairs and I know Brick is in his room, shaking his head at us. Except now, he might be in there with Kat.

I button up my black dress shirt that I paired with my black jeans and reach for a simple silver bracelet with a thin blue line. Making sure my hair is styled, I add some fragrance and step back. Does it matter?

I check my phone and leave my room when Wes and Lydia stumble out of his.

"Looking good," Lydia says. "Very..." her eyes stop on my bracelet and I peer down at it. "Very nice," she says with a weird smile.

"Thanks." I clear my throat. "You look nice, too. Both of you."

They must have coordinated their outfits because Wes' shirt is the same dark red as Lydia's lips and belt.

"Hey, you go ahead," Wes says to Lydia and I squint at them as she disappears down the stairs.

"What's up?" I'm instantly suspicious.

"I meant to ask you," Wes says.

"What?" I adjust my sleeves.

"Are you sure that guy isn't Morgan's boyfriend?"

My eyes snap back to him. "Why the fuck do you ask?"

"Calm down, man." He takes out his phone. "I'm just curious because there were some more pictures."

"Was it you or Lydia that stalked her this time?"

"If you're going to be a bitch about it, we can just forget the whole thing." He makes a move to put his phone away, but I grab it.

"Sorry," I mumble.

"There's a few."

The pictures seem to be from a different party. In some of them, Morgan is laughing with a dark-haired player. I know him. I've played him before. Anthon something.

They're with another guy, tall, skinny and pale. In one of the images, Anthon has his arm around the guy. They're clearly a couple. Didn't someone say Morgan's friend is gay? Is that him, then?

But that's not what Wes wanted me to see. The big blond guy is in quite a few of the photos. Always standing close to Morgan. In one of the photos, he has his hand on her lower back while she's holding up a drink and laughing.

And there's a photo of Morgan dancing with the big guy. It's a selfie he's taken and his arm is around her waist. She seems oblivious to the camera.

"Kat said she doesn't have a boyfriend," I say and give Wes his phone back. "He's probably just a friend."

"If you say so."

"Get down here already," Liam shouts up the stairs. "If you're not pretty by now, you never will be."

"It's not her boyfriend," I say as I walk ahead of Wes.

"I'm feeling good," Ethan says loudly as we come down the stairs. "Ready to have some fun."

"Shots for everyone," Liam says behind him and pushes him into the kitchen.

"Let's pregame," Ethan says, and takes out the shot glasses. "You know they'll only have the cheap stuff there."

Liam fetches a bottle from the freezer and starts pouring.

"You driving?" I ask Wes when he hangs back.

"Yeah," he says with his eyes on Lydia as Ethan hands her a shot.

I grab one and we do a quick cheers before downing them. It's vodka. Cold, smooth, and sweet. If Ethan chose it, I have no doubt it's very good and very expensive. He has a tendency to look down on anything cheap. But he knows his alcohols.

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