Chapter 9 - Meeting at the hockey house

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Morgan may be annoying as hell, but I know she cares for Kat. Seeing that bruise on my baby sister made my heart stop.

All my life, it's been my job to keep her safe. That's more important than anything.

It took all my willpower not to go off on her and Brick right then and there. But Kat's threats to move away and go no contact terrified me. So I waited.

But I couldn't just let it go. If Kat needs me and I'm not there, I'll never forgive myself. The talk I had with Jonathan made my stomach feel like a churning pool of ice. We spoke more about it, just the two of us, and the look on his face when he said his sister refuses to leave her abusive husband almost had me in tears.

For some strange reason, I trust Morgan. I don't like her. But I know she'll look out for Kat. And I know Kat trusts her. So if Morgan says Kat's fine, then maybe she is. Maybe I don't have to worry.


No, it's fine. Morgan will make sure Kat isn't being taken advantage of. I know she will. Fuck, I can't believe I ever wanted Kat to get another roommate. Just because Morgan annoys the hell out of me.

I shake my head to myself as I return to the hockey house. Wes and Lydia fly away from each other so fast, Wes almost falls off the couch.

I raise an eyebrow at them. "Don't you both have rooms where you could do that in private?"

Wes smirks. "I think we hid what we have long enough."

"So now you have to be all up in my face?" I remove my jacket and toss it on a stool by the island as I head to the fridge.

"Are you jealous?" Wes asks.

"Just don't mess up the couch. Take it to your room."

Lydia gives Wes a look and a nudge. But it's not a sexy look. It's more encouraging and slightly concerned.

Wes clears his throat. "So, there was something I... we wanted to talk to you about. Well, you and the other roomies."

"Ok. Where's everyone else?"

Wes checks his phone. "I asked Ethan and Liam to meet us here. They should be done with the gym about now and Brick is in his room."

"And you have to talk to all of us? Are you moving out?" I frown at him.

"No, it's not that." Wes shakes his head.

"You want Lydia to move in?" I ask hesitantly.

I don't really know Lydia all that well. Before she started seeing Wes, all I knew about here were some not so flattering rumors. She used to party and sleep around a lot.

Turns out that was her coping with her parents' death. At least that's what Wes told us. He also said never to bring it up with her, because she's still working through her trauma.

"No," Wes says a bit too forcefully, causing Lydia to give him a slight glare. He smiles sheepishly at her.

The front door opens and Ethan and Liam come in.

"What's going on?" Liam asks. He looks at me. "Wes said there was a meeting?"

I shrug.

"I'll get Brick," Wes says and hurries to knock on his door.

Ethan sidles up to Lydia. "Any chance you and Wes have broken up?"

"Nope, sorry to disappoint. You're actually going to have to find a girlfriend all on your own."

Ethan grimaces. "Girlfriend is a bit too serious for me. Just let me know if you break up and you want some revenge." He winks at her.

Lydia rolls her eyes before looking him up and down. "I doubt you could measure up."

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