Chapter 37 - Stood up

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She's the one I want to talk to after the game. The one I want to share the victory with. I checked my phone as soon as I got to the locker room. But I know she's at the Rivers game tonight.

After I've showered and dressed, I bring out my phone to text her, but for some reason, I don't. I don't know where we stand. This is all new to me.

I had a couple of girlfriends in high school. But it's not like my parents were thrilled about it. They wanted me to put my energy into hockey. So I did.

And now, something is happening with Morgan, and I don't know how to handle it. Do I call her? Text? Wait for her to reach out to me?

We have plans tomorrow. At least I was able to set that much up. There's a snowman building competition in a park nearby and I signed us up. It seemed like the kind of thing she might like.

And afterwards, I've made reservations at a restaurant. Or if she wants, we could go see a movie, or something else.

I didn't tell her what we're doing, because I want to see the look on her face when I reveal it. But I did tell her to dress for something outdoorsy, because I've made that mistake before. With one of my high school girlfriends. I asked her out and took her to the skating rink. She was dressed for a nice dinner, and not happy.

I should wait and text her tomorrow.

"Hey did you hear?" Liam asks as I put the phone away.

"Hear what?" He's dressed and ready to go, so I follow him outside.

"Rivers won."

"No, they didn't. There's no way Enmer lost to Rivers."

"Except they did. Lancaster and Andre started fighting, accusing each other of sleeping with their girlfriends."


Liam nods. "Turns out Rico slept with both of them."

"Lancaster and Andre?" I furrow my brow.

"No, their girlfriends. They were fighting each other on the ice and Rivers just slid in a victory."

"That's bad teamwork. They should have settled that off the ice, before the game."

It's a nightmare scenario. One I'm glad I haven't had to deal with. Truth be told, I have no idea how to deal with something like that. I'm struggling enough with keeping Jonathan from deserting us to go beat up his sister's abusive husband.

"Yeah, I bet you Rivers is celebrating tonight."

Of course! That makes sense. That's why Morgan hasn't texted me. She must be thrilled for her friend. I feel relieved as we head out for a drink and some food. I'm sure she'll text me tomorrow.

Saturday arrives, and I'm eager to pick Morgan up and take her on the date. I'm up way too early getting ready. I even make us a thermos of hot chocolate to bring. She loves chocolate. I know, because Kat got her these fancy chocolates for Christmas.

I realize we set a time, and I told her I'd pick her up, but if she was out late celebrating, she might have stayed with her parents. The park is closer to her parents.

I text her a good morning, and tell her I can swing by the dorm, but if she wants to head straight to the park, I can meet her there. There's no answer, but maybe she's hung over. I text her the address, anyway.

When I can't wait any longer, I grab the thermos and the keys to Brick's car. I think he's trying to get on my good side, because I only had to mention wanting to borrow a car and he let me. Something he never would have done before he started dating Kat.

Maybe there are perks to their relationship.

There's still no answer from Morgan, but I figure I might as well stop by the dorm.

I check the time outside their door. I don't want to be too early. But when I knock, only Kat is there.

"Hey, what's up?" she asks.

"Is Morgan here?" I try not to sound too eager.

"No, she texted me last night that she was staying with her parents. Apparently Rivers won, so there was a big party."

"That's what I thought. I'll see you later."

I shouldn't be disappointed. But there's still no reply. Maybe she'll meet me there? I feel anxious as I drive to the park and find the sign-in table. People are already arriving and claiming spots. I pay the fee and sign us in. Then I send Morgan a quick description of where I am, just in case she's lost.

An hour later, I'm still waiting. I ask her if we're still on for this afternoon. And I wait. It's cold and around me people are laughing and freezing and throwing snowballs. There's a light snowfall, and the weather is perfect.

After three hours, the competition is coming to an end and I head back to the car. With a sigh, I clear the snow off it and drive back to the hockey house.

"How was the date?" Wes asks as I empty the thermos into the sink. He's sitting on the floor, playing with Max.

"It wasn't. She never showed up." The hot chocolate disappears down the drain and I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. "I haven't heard from her since yesterday."

"Oh," Wes says and pets the dog.

"What?" I ask, and glance at him before running some water to clean the sink. Do dogs lick sinks? I know chocolate is bad for them, but would she jump up on the counter to get to it? I don't take any risks and rinse the thermos as well.

"It's probably nothing."

"Porter." I'm in no mood for games.

He gets up and grabs his phone. "I don't think it means anything, but you know how Lydia likes to know what's going on."

My stomach turns to ice. "What did she find?"

Wes takes his sweet time scrolling through his phone and I want to scream at him. He finally shows me.

Morgan is dancing with the big guy. He's grabbing her waist, and she has her eyes closed. There are more pictures of them dancing.

"She was at a party celebrating," Wes says. "This is the last photo of her."

I squint. Morgan is standing next to the big guy. His hand is on her back and she's looking up at him. They're waiting for an elevator and looking cozy together.

The caption just says before it all went down, followed by a shocked face.

My heart plummets. Is that why she stood me up? Because she was with someone else?

"Then what?" I ask, looking at Wes as if he can magic up some more photos of what she did.

"Then nothing. Lydia says something must have happened, but there's no more."

I feel sick. We should have talked about this. But I thought it was clear. I thought she knew... I send off a final text to her asking her what happened. Maybe it was all a mistake?

She could have at least canceled with me. Even if she's too ashamed or scared or whatever to talk to me.

I can't get the image out of my mind. She left a party with another guy. A guy that's been in photos with her before. A guy she told me not to worry about.

Sunday morning, I'm not only angry. I'm furious. I thought we had something, and she doesn't even have the decency to properly break up with me.

She could have texted me back at any point. Instead, she just ghosted me. I never took her for a coward.

When she finally texts me, there's no explanation. There's no apology. All she asks is if I can stop by the dorm. Part of me wants to ghost her back. But I can't do that to her. Not even after what she's done to me. If she wants to confess her affair in person, then I guess I better listen.

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