Chapter 54 - Worshiped ❤️

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Only wearing a top, I look down at the man licking his lips. The command in his voice, the assertiveness in his actions, has me breathing in fast, shallow breaths.

"Yes, captain," I say and place my palms against the door.

"You're such a good girl. My gorgeous, good girl."

My heart skips a beat. His. I'm his.

He lifts one of my legs and places it over his shoulder. Then he takes a long, deep inhale.

"My perfect bluebird. Just smelling you makes my cock hard."

He lowers his head and tastes me. With long, firm licks, he makes me moan and pant. I grab his hair and lean my head back, feeling worshiped.

When he drives one finger into me, I gasp for air and shiver.


He groans and the rumbles drive me wild. I close my eyes and give in to him.

"Fuck yes," I say when he finds my clit with his tongue and uses two fingers inside me to stimulate that special spot that's so hard to reach. The orgasm builds until I'm screaming and holding on to his head as he finishes me off.

"From now on," he says and kisses my thighs, "I will always listen to you. I'll always get your version of events. I promise you, bluebird." When he looks up at me, I see the plea in his eyes and I nod.

"And I promise I will always tell you."

His smile fills me with warmth.

"There's one thing I've always wanted to try." There's a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"What's that?"

He gets up and leads me to the bed. I pull my top over my head and raise an eyebrow at him. He's still fully dressed. With a smirk, he gets naked.

His smirk turns evil as he lies down on his back. His cock is pointing straight up, and I lick my lips.

"You want me to ride you?" I ask.

"Yes." I make a move, but he takes my hand. "I want you to ride my face."

I blink in surprise. "But don't you want release as well?" I gesture to his throbbing cock.

"I love the way your pussy tastes. And I need you to know how sorry I am. So my mission is to satisfy you, not myself. Now be a good girl and let me eat you."

I place my knees on either side of his head and move into position. I've never done this before.

"Will you tell me if I suffocate you?"

"You won't. Now sit on my face."

I slowly lower myself and he wraps his arms around my legs. When his tongue reaches my opening, I inhale.

"Bluebird," he sounds disappointed.

"I'm sorry. Do you not like it?" I try to get up, but his hands hold me in place.

"Sit the fuck down, like a good girl."

I hesitate, but his fingers squeeze my thighs, so I lower myself some more. He laps at my pussy and takes my clit into his mouth. I relax a little as he eagerly works it. It's almost a new sensation, being on top and in control, and I love it. I relax into him even more and his tongue gets more eager.

"Fuck, that feels good," I say.

I'm already worked up so when I come it's hard and wet. I forget myself completely and sink onto his face with all my weight. He holds me down and explores me with his tongue.

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