Chapter 7

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My eyes went to the guard, who seemed to sense Savage and was tense. "Alpha," he murmured. "Is everything okay?"

I stared at him, trying to rein in my damn wolf. "He needs to come with us," Savage growled more loudly.

Moving toward him, I grip his shirt. His eyes widened. I leaned into him and growled. "You're coming with me," I muttered. "You mind linking your alpha or anyone? I will let my wolf play with you, and trust me, you don't want that."

Fear rippled from him, while he nodded his head like a nodding dog. "Yes, alpha," he spluttered, shaking under my touch.

Letting him go, I nudged him off the steps, and Jenson caught him at the bottom. "Why the hell are we bringing him with us?" he asked, opening a mind link. "He might tell Alpha Karl."

"He won't," I muttered, taking the steps toward them. "I told the little wimp that Savage would come out to play with him. Besides, Alpha Karl wouldn't care. He has his hands full."

Stepping onto the last step, Jenson looked at me with an amused look. "He was with another she-wolf," I muttered, grabbing the wolf and making him move toward the cell building.

"I take it Luna doesn't know," Jenson gritted.

"She seemed pissed earlier," I muttered, remembering what I saw at the table.

Jenson said nothing. We walked toward the cells, but as we got closer, the wolf in my grip started to shake. "I can't take you in there," he muttered, sweat beaded his forehead. "The Luna and alpha won't like it."

I said nothing but looked toward the cells, noticing the group of people from earlier appeared. A low growl rumbled from the wolf I was holding, but I stopped and moved him toward me.

Savage comes closer, showing himself. We are as one, and the wolf knows it. His eyes widened when we spoke. "Don't even think about it," we growled. "Or we will have you as our new chew toy. I like toys that run. Are you a runner?"

The man gasped and struggled under my grip, which only made Savage hold on even tighter. He pulled him back towards us. "Open the door," he gritted out, launching the man toward the building's main entrance.

Savage went back but stayed close.

We watched the man fumble over the keys. His hands shook. My eyes darted to Paul, who gave me a nod, and the other pack members. A few were staring at me, but there was something in their faces that I couldn't read.

Part of me wondered what the hell I was going to find, but there was something that made it even more harsher. What the hell was Alpha Karl doing with his pack members? No alpha should use their alpha aura on any pack member, only if it is to keep his pack safe.

The wolf places the key in the lock and opens it. Jenson places his hand on the wolf's shoulder. "Show us in," he mumbled. "Or I let you have five minutes head start for Savage."

The corners of my lips curled up into a smirk, knowing Jenson was loving the idea of the wolf being hunted. Savage growled.

The man opens the door wider and stumbles in. Jenson follows behind, but I stop and look at Paul. "Stay here," I said, glancing at the pack members. "Howl if the Alpha and Luna come."

Paul nodded while I turned back and headed inside. I stepped in, and the foul smell hit my senses hard.

Cells are known for being smelling, but this was something else. It smelt like blood and crap all rolled into one. I walked down the steps until I met Jenson, who stared at me. "He won't move anymore," he growled.

Stepping past the wolf and Jenson, the wolf looked down. Fear rippled over him. "He's afraid," Savage growled.

Looking down the corridor and then back at Jenson. "He can stay," I muttered and looked at the man. "You move, I will kill you."

The wolf shook in fear, but never looked at me.

I glancing at Jenson, who looked between the both of us and shrugged. We both stepped away from the wolf and headed down the corridor. The smell was getting worse as we moved further down. I glanced at each cell, all covered in dry blood stains. Each cell had instruments in each, which made me wonder what kind of torture they were holding here.

Jenson went before me, holding his nose until he gasped when he reached the last cell. "Alpha," he shouted. "In here."

Jenson moved fast into the cell, but I walked closer. Something hit me hard—a scent.

Savage paced back and forth. "Move faster, human," he growled. I walked till I got to the cage when the scent hit me hard—Jasmine, mixed with blood. My eyes looked around the cell, which looked like a little bed. My eyes landed on Jenson, who was releasing someone from chains. The body slumped, but Jenson caught hold of the person.

Jenson looked at me with wide eyes. "She's human," he muttered, making me growl. Why the hell would they have a human in a cell?

Jenson held the person, but I couldn't see who it was.

Savage growled.

"Move closer," he grunted.

Listening to Savage, I got closer, and Savage sniffed the air.

Rage filled me while he growled.

"MATE!" he roared, making me stop.

My eyes went to the body that my beta was holding.

"Turn her around," I gritted out, Savage wanting to take over. I could feel his need for her. Mine is raving it's head, too. The long wait was over, but there was something wrong.

Jenson moved to the side and sat on the bed. The woman in his arms looks small, and pale, and dried blood coats the side of her face.

A loud growl rippled through me.

My eyes stayed on my mate.

Feeling Jenson's eyes on me, I looked at him. His eyes widened. I knew what he saw.

A loud bang came from outside, and footsteps came down. "YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE," Alpha Karl roared.

Moving to the gate of the cell, I stared at the filthy alpha. His eyes landed on me, and I was about to speak, but his eyes widened when I let Savage come up and close to me.

"You better have a good reason why she is in here," I growled. "Or I am going to rip you apart." "That has nothing to do with you," Alpha Karl gritted out. "She is my prisoner. Now let her—" Growling loudly, Savage pushes me back. I want him to tell him who she is.

"MINE!" he growls, his eyes boring back at Alpha Karl.

"You can't—" Alpha Karl growled, stepping closer.

Savage moves, fur coats my hand, and his claw comes through. "MINE!" he roared. His eyes move from Alpha Karl, and he looks at the small frame that Jenson is holding. "MATE!" he growls, looking back at Alpha Karl, who looks like he wants to vomit or see a ghost.

"She's what?" he whispered.

Savage growls and moves away from the gate, glaring at him. "MY MATE!" he roars, while gasps flood behind Alpha Karl.

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