Chapter 1

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(5 years later)

My eyes stay on the ceiling as the breeze from the gap in the window whistles, rippling over me, making me cold.

Moving the thin fabric over me, even though it doesn't keep me warm. I shudder slightly when it hits my arm's recent new whip mark, making it sting. I grip the sheet tighter as I move my legs up and wrap my arms around my legs to try and keep warm.

Five long years have passed since I was placed in this damn cell, and five years I have been tortured more than my fair share. I don't think any rogues have been through the same fate as me. To be honest, I think they have better treatment than I do. They would kill them as soon as they put them in a cell, or they would make them suffer.

The screams some made, made my ears bleed. Many gave in after the first few attempts and died. Whoever came in here, they never leave. I always wondered about my fate, but it has been five years. Something told me that I wouldn't know until it was too late.

Madaline, my father's chosen mate now instead of his mistress, gave birth to a son. I haven't met him, and I don't want to. It would probably be evil if the baby were like my father or her.

I heard a noise outside the window, but it was hard to tell what was happening. It has been very noisy here lately. Guards who watch over me, Beck mainly, but they don't talk to me. They stay quiet and even participate in the torture that Madaline puts on me.

No one cares for me; they don't know who I am. My father made sure of it. He told the guards that I was a stupid human who wandered onto the pack grounds, and he didn't know what to do with me. It should shatter me with the way he speaks about me, but why should I now? He didn't want me in the first place.

Beck was left to guard me for the last five years. He never speaks to me, but I have grown on him over the last five years. Whenever Madaline tortures me, she makes him step outside, but afterward, he comes in and cleans my wounds the best he can. Beck was the one who gave me this fabric sheet to cover myself with when it gets cold here.

Another bang came from outside, making me flinch as my eyes stayed on the window.

What the hell was that? I tried to listen to what was happening, but hearing anything with the wind was hard.

I may have no wolf, but I do have some characteristics of one, such as heightened senses and hearing. I don't know if I have anything else, but they are the only two I know I have.

Another noise comes from outside the window, and a meow comes through as a little black fur head sticks through the window's opening, and its eyes look at me.

Moving slightly, I smiled as the little four-legged fur creature came toward me and climbed into the little opening between my legs and stomach.

This little black ball of fur has kept me company for the last few months. Who would have thought a cat would wander into a wolf pack and survive? I sure as hell didn't think so, not when my father was in charge. He would have had it for supper.

The cat snuggled into me, letting her heat sink into me as she tried to warm me up.

"Thank you," I whispered, placing my hand on her head and giving her a gentle smooth. "You shouldn't be in here, you know that."

I sigh as the cat moves and sticks its head under my chin, rubbing along my jaw as it starts to purr. I smooth over its smooth fur till it settles down to sleep. My eyes go to the cat, who looks back at me with its bright green eyes. "What do I call you?" I whispered as I stroked its head.

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