Family Back Together

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Dragging our suitcases through the airport Chloe and I were looking for Luke and Carter since then said they would pick us up when we landed. Finally making our way down the stairs Leia cried out in excitement slipping her hand out of mine and running through the crowds of people. "Leia! Boys go get your sister." I told her brothers who ran after her.

Chloe and I managed to catch up with them finally and I sighed in relief seeing her jump up into Luke’s arms waiting arms. He lowered himself down onto his knees and gestured for the boys to join in. “Hey kiddos, oh I've missed you bunches."

"Mommy's missed you too, daddy." Leia said, slightly pulling away from the embrace.

Luke raised a brow and I could see a smirk on his face when he said the words knowing Leia wouldn't understand. "Ah I see. Well later I'll be sure to help her with that."

"Uh so where is Carter with the van?" I cleared my throat feeling my face heat up red so I changed the subject.

Luke rose to his feet coming to take my bag from my hands and we all followed behind him. "He's just outside on the first floor of the parking garage."

"I wonder if he'll ask about the chicken video." My best friend whispered in my ear.

As if on cue Leia was skipping alongside her father asking that very question. "Did ya see the chick chase?"

"I did, sweetie pie." He chuckled before Carter came over and helped us put the bags in the van. Luke and I were in front seats. Carter was in the back with Chloe and Luther. So that left our boys and Leia to be in the middle row. The drive for the most part was silent until Luke glanced over at me. "So I got a change on the tour schedule for tonight that I didn't tell you about over the phone."

Turning my head back towards him I raised a brow. "What ain't you telling me?"

"I just got asked to be host of the CMA's. And it's in a few days." He grinned from ear to ear straight at me.

Slapping my hands on my knees I almost climbed over the counsel. Throwing my arms around his neck I squealed like it was Christmas morning. "Ah! That's freaking amazing. You're hosting the Country Music Awards!"

"Y/n, wait what is he hosting again I didn't hear you." Chloe my best friend, teased me from the back row.

Whipping my head around I glared at her knowing she very well heard me. "Hosting the Country Music Awards, Chloe."

"Gosh I've been missing this." Luke mumbled to himself until the drive ended at the house we had just outside the city limit of Nashville. We all unload the truck where Carter and Chloe went and get settled in one of the other rooms since the kids had picked out their rooms first. Throwing my duffle bag down I felt strong arms wrap around my waist lifting me over their shoulders.

"Ah! Luke." I giggled when my back hit the bed and he plopped down beside me smiling brightly.

He draped one arm over my stomach until I scooted closer and wrapped my arms around his neck grinning up into those brown eyes. "I missed you like crazy, baby. And I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise. Luke please don't tell me you bought me another pair of boots that I told you I liked. I can't have my entire closet be just cowgirl boots." I told him even though I enjoyed wearing them.

He got up from the bed pretending to be offended. "Darling, you're married to me. Literally the only thing I wear is boots. So I don’t mind at all. Now as for your surprise I've been working on it for a few weeks now…"

"You wrote me a song. You didn't have to do that." Sitting upright on the edge of the bed I watched him pull out his orange and yellow guitar that was his favorite.

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