Chapter 10

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Midnight quickly removed her headset, she ran downstairs, chugged 4 energy drinks and ran back upstairs, you see, she was doing a lot of grinding, to keep up with her schedule she needed to stay up all night, many nights. She got back online and saw the others waiting for her. "Sorry about the wait." Midnight said, "it's fine, what did you need to do that fast anyways?" Chrome asked, "eh? Nothing very important, just needed to be done so I didn't need to do it later." Midnight said.

They open the door to the next room, and in front of them was a huge forest, with a Druid. "Plan?" Iz asked, "fire ability's, great shielders protect, Iz and Kanade provide support, Kasumi, Sally, Mai, Yui, and I will distract the boss." Midnight said, "[black flame] [black flame] [black flame] [black flame] [black flame] [black flame] [black flame] [black flame] [black flame] [black flame]." After Midnight spammed [black flame], the boss was defeated in less than a minute. "Good... job?" Sally said, confused. "Great-" "job!" Mai and Yui exclaimed. The guild moved to the next door, ready to face whatever is next.

The door opened, and inside was a huge... porcupine with ice spikes in stead of spikes. "Once again, fire moves!" Midnight yelled, she was a little low on mp, so she did the next best thing. "Kanade, how do I access the infinite mp storage?" Midnight asked, "say eternal then the move." Kanade explained. "Eternal [black flame] Eternal [black flame] Eternal [black flame] Eternal [black flame] Eternal [black flame] Eternal [black flame] Eternal [black flame]." Midnight spammed the move once more. "You know, they should really not make ice boss's when we face them with Midnight." Chrome said truthfully. "Hey, at least we get the fastest time?" Sally said, "that was easy!" Maple exclaimed.

The eighth floor was once again, a giant forrest, but instead of a Druid, there was a chameleon. It camouflaged into the wilderness, forcing Midnight to guide the entire guild. "Iz, Kanade, back to the wall. Kasumi, Sally guard them. Mai, Yui, get ready to attack on my mark, Chrome, Maple guard on my mark." Midnight orchestrated the enter group, "Kanade! Fire ball 95, 56 on my mark... now!" Kanade did so, hitting the boss, dealing 10% hp. "Chrome, use [cover move] and guard the twins!" Midnight yelled, once again, the chameleon was blocked. "Iz, bomb!" Iz threw the bomb down onto the ground, "Kanade! Kick it to Maple, Maple, use [shield attack] and hit the bomb in front of you." Doing the weird process, the bomb hit the boss, dealing 30% hp. "Maple, guard Sally and Kasumi!" Midnight yelled. "Twins, get behind me and use [quake]!" Midnight ordered, Maple blocked the attack at the same time, the twins used [quake] dealing 20% of it's hp. It then used [clone] and duplicated itself. "I should really make plan names later in my life." Midnight mumbled, turning to the boss, she used [ice spike] multiple times, destroying all the clones, and dealing 35% of it's health. "Step back." Midnight yelled, she jumped at the boss and used [flaming burst] once more and defeated it easily. "Well, that was something." Midnight said honestly. The group barely got 1st place once more, all three guilds are obviously getting tired.

The ninth floor door opened, instead of being on land, they were on a small island, looking around Midnight heard engines. "Ariel battle... Chome, Maple, protect the others. Anyone with ranged attacks can use them!" Midnight yelled everyone got their weapons out regardless, Midnight used [flight] but that wouldn't last forever. A giant machine rose from under the clouds, quickly reacting, Midnight dodged a rocket. She used [black lance] hitting the boss for 5% of it's hp, then used [a thousand and one cuts], dealing 25% hp in total. She flew out of the way of its [rocket arm] and used [strengthen] and then [power attack] dealing 30% of it's hp. "Iz, throw me a bomb!" Midnight yelled, Iz, doing as told, threw a bomb. "Okay..." Midnight muttered, flying in, she used the bomb and it blew up, dealing 1,000 hp for her, and 10% of the boss's hp. "[heal] [heal] [heal]" Midnight said, healing herself, then dodged a rocket once more. "Kanade, use [fire ball]!" Midnight ordered, once Kanade did so, Midnight used [absolute defense] and [half mana] so she could afford multiple [black flames]. The black flames consumed each other, then the fire ball Kanade casted. It hit the boss, dealing 25% of it's hp. Using [quadruple slash] and [triple slash] the boss was defeated. "Great job guys!" Midnight said, "we barely did anything the last floor." Chrome said, "but we were all there." Midnight countered, Chrome, putting his hands up in surrender said "what every you say."

A silver knight with bronze trimming stood up, glowing, pink horns stood out as Maple tree stood against it. "Maple, can you use 'machine god?'" Midnight asked, "yeah?" Maple said, "Kay, you know [break core]?" Midnight asked, "don't tell me..." Maple started, "I'm going to use it, I need you to use [loving sacrifice]." Midnight said. "Are you sure, I can't even survive unscathed from it." Maple said truthfully. "Don't worry, I can triple my defense." Midnight said. "[machine god]!" Her limbs were covered in machine parts, she used the rocket boosters and flew into the air. "[loving sacrifice]!" Maple yelled, she knew this would damage her, but it would k.o. The team. "[strengthen] [absolute defense] [break core]!" Midnight yelled running right at the knight, she pinned him down, the heart of the machine opened, showing a purple beating orb. In mere seconds, the arena flooded with light and both Maple and Midnight were forced to use [stout guardian] and [guardian of the air] because of the damage. "... 90,000+ Damage" Maple muttered, but the others heard it, they knew that Maple had a impenetrable defense, but Midnight just did enough damage to kill three entire guilds.

The boss was in ruins, destroyed, recked, and Midnight was barely standing. [loving sacrifice] was deactivated as Maple didn't have the energy to hold it up, Midnight also started to fall, landing on her butt, she was panting heavily. The boss had been defeated in 25 seconds, a impossible record to achieve without cheats. Kasumi picked Midnight up, moving her to Sally so she could also be healed. "Sorry 'bout the big attack." Midnight mumbled to Maple. "How does it scale?" Maple asked, "eh? I think scales with hp, defense, mp... whatever your highest stat is." Midnight explained. "Then why was your's so powerful?" Maple asked, "mp is the highest stat for me, it's erm... over 5,000" Midnight said, "what?" Maple said, her mouth gaping. "Your defense raised by 1 every stat point, while my mp is raised by a lot more, plus I get double the stat points every level up." Midnight explained. Maple was now mopping, that was until Midnight mentioned this: "I also combined [atrocity] and [machine god]" Midnight said, "it was a good game." Sally said, "we will forever remember it. "Eh?" Midnight said confused.
"How did they get 25 seconds!?" Mii yelled, pulling her hair, Payne was already texting Maple tree.

             Best three guilds
Payne: can we borrow Midnight for the 10th floor?
Sally: you saw the leader board?
Payne: yep. So...
Maple: nope! She's dead tired.
Payne: worth a shot.
Kanade: she lead the entire guild single handed, plus finished the last two by herself.
Iz: yeah, if is wan't for her, we'd have gotten lots of trouble.
Chrome: why are we telling him this?
Mai: it's because-
Yui: he asked!
Sally: how did they cut each other off in text?
Mii: kidnapping Midnight btw.
Mii: wrong chat. Ignore that please.
Payne: wait! Let her join our party!
Mii left the chat.
Payne left the chat.
Maple: wait... they kidnapped Midnight?
Kasumi: we should probably rescue her.

"Mii, please put me down." Midnight said calmly, even through she was being carried like a sack of potato's. "Yeah, Flame Emperors needs you help, so here we are." Mii said, she saw Misery and ran over. "I also accidentally texted Maple tree instead of Flame Emperors." Mii said truthfully. "Oh, then Maple Tree will rescue me." Midnight said nonchalantly. Before Misery or Mii could register what Midnight said, Sally came and picked Midnight up as Maple used [cover move] to keep up with her. "Next time, check the chat you use!" Sally said, tauntingly.

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