chapter 12

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"{welcome}" Midnight said a portal opened, and Midnight walked into it. When the blinding light dimmed down, she saw Olympus. She was standing on a cloud looking thing and in front of her was giant doors, on the doors, in greek, was inscribed (Cerberus) Κέρβερος. On the other door was inscribed (Landon) Προσγειώνομαι σε. Midnight touch the door with Cerberus inscribed on it, but then a giant X appeared in front of her.

{not enough deaths: minimum deaths 100}

"Eh?! That means I'm going to have to bring Chrome! Might as well take the rest of Maple tree! Wait... should I wait for the end of the EUB and the next event?" Midnight was now talking to herself, wondering what to do. "Let's bring everyone here!" Midnight decided.

                                                Le Maple tree

Midnight: guys, I have a cool place to go.

Sally: are you going to tell us your grinding place?

Chrome: that is a no, because well... she's not on the map.

Iz: Midnight, why aren't you on the map?

Kasumi: please don't tell you fell into another dungeon.

Midnight: wrong! Do any of you know greek mythology?

Maple: yeah?

Midnight: well, I got this item that allows me to go to Olympus. I wanted to check it out, but then there are tw-

Kanade: you got hit by the max word limit.

Midnight: two doors in front of me, one of them kind of forces me to have 100+ deaths...

Sally: and you have...

Midnight: none... anyways, meet me at the guild house!

Midnight left the chat.

"So we just let you say-" "{welcome}!" Midnight said, a portal opened and everyone walked through. "The light!" Sally yelled, and yes, it was quite bright. When the light was gone, the others opened their eyes and saw Olympus and the giant doors blocking their way. "So... are we going to fight Cerberus?" Iz asked, "yeah, and I have a strategy." Midnight said, "as you know, Cerberus has 3 heads, I want Chrome, Mai, and Yui on the head to the left. Kasumi, you're on the right head, and Sally, get the middle head. Maple, your job is to protect Sally and Kasumi. Kanade, Iz, and I will provide support, and I can protect them." Midnight said. "Are we rea-?" Before Midnight touched the door, she saw four buttons with words on them. The top one said (easy): Ανετα. Then (medium): Μεσαίο. Then (hard): σκληρά. Then (impossible):αδύνατο. "Let's do easy first." Midnight said, "agreed." Maple said. None of them knew the move sets of the boss, so they just needed to do easy.

The door opened, and they walked into a room, it looked like a cave and in front of them was a three headed dog. "Let's keep to the plan!" Midnight yelled, "[strengthen], [fear]!" Midnight yelled, buffing them, but de-buffing the boss. "[slash]!" Sally yelled, hitting the middle head, "[double slash]!" Kasumi yelled, "[quake]!" Mai and Yui yelled. The boss had been hit badly already, and got up. It used [fear] and [undead souls revive].

[undead souls revive]: souls revive and can only be hit by holy/angel/light moves. (10 mp)

"[copy cat]! [undead souls revive]!" Midnight yelled, souls of both yellow and purple arise, the yellow souls attacked the purple, and beat them as they were boosted by [strengthen]. "Sally and Kasumi, use [quadrople slash]. Kanade, I need you to count to 100. Every 25, tell me." Midnight said, confused by the request, Iz asked, "why?" "So I know when to use [undead souls revive]" Midnight said, "[black flame]!" Midnight yelled. Her hands were trembling, there was a downside to [undead souls revive]. It was that the user will start to hallucinate, but at the same time, the souls would become stronger. "[Phantom world] [clone] [phantom clone]!" Midnight yelled, 49 of her ran at the boss, dealing tic damage. "25!" Kanade yelled. "[undead souls revive]!" 'If only undead or demon attacks can harm the boss, wait... what would happen.'

[combine: undead souls revive and a thousand and one cuts: make... a thousand revive]

[a thousand revive]: it has two uses, the first one can revive boss's and monsters killed by anyone. Under the control of the user, the person can also use [merge] on it. The second use is the user being able to sacrifice 100 hp to revive any one person. They can sacrifice more hp if they want to. (25 mp for the first use. If the monsters or boss do damage, then the user will receive part of it. (10%))

"50!" Kanade yelled. "[a thousand revive]!" Midngiht yelled, the souls destroyed came back with a yellow aura, charging at the boss, they did more damage than normal, but they also did damage to Midnight. "I only have 600 hp points left?" Midnight muttered, but Kanade and Iz heard it. "How? You never got hit?" Kanade asked, "the move I just used must have a side effect... 550 hp points left." Midnight was losing health fast, but so was the boss. "Maple, use [loving sacrifice]! Kanade, Sally, hold Maple still. Chrome, pick Mai and Yui up so they can make it!" Midnight ordered. The boss roared, the souls started to combust and explode, dealing massive damage to both the boss and Midnight. Before anyone knew it, the boss died, and Midnight had 300 hp left. "Midnight, I don't think you should use that move." Iz said, "there is a healing use, so I'll probably just use that." Midnight said, the boss turned into cubes, and a chest was in it's place. "Let's open it." Midnight said. All that was in it was two [fear] scrolls, and 1 [undead souls revive] scroll. "Let's just sell the [undead souls revive] scroll." Midnight said, everyone saw the effects, and now knew what would happen if they used it. "What about the [fear] scrolls?" Kanade asked, "it would be useful for Sally and Kasumi." Midnight said truthful. "Mai, Yui, and Chrome kind of already destroy all our enemies, so you two would really need it more then them." Midnight said, "yeah! We don't need-" "-that scroll-" "-because we are already powerful!" Mai and Yui said.

"What's behind the second door?" Kasumi asked, it had been too long that them as a group were challenged. "Erm... you want to fight a 100 headed dragon?" Midnight offered, "nope" "I'm good" "no thank you." "Yeah-" "no". The group walked over to their guild home, just to see Mii and Payne arguing in front of it. "How am I supposed to know!?" Mii yelled, "I don't know?! That's why we came here!" Payne yelled, "erm, guys, what are you doing here?" Midnight asked, "we need your help." The duo said instantly. "Sure! What do you need help with-" before Midnight could finish the duo dragged Midnight along with them. "We'll return her later!" Mii yelled. "We going to-" Kasumi started. "No, she got herself in this problem." Sally said. The rest of the guild walked inside as the trio got farther and farther.

"So you want me to copy your moves and see if they are easy to counter?" Midnight summed up. "Yes," "yeah." The duo said. "Sure, I'll help Mii first." Midnight said. "Okay... [flame empress]" Mii said. Several fire balls appeared, as Mii moved her arms and they moved with it. "[copy cat]" Midnight said, copying the move, she saw one problem. "Some of the fire balls are not moving because you have to have both your arms move in the same direction." Midnight explained, "oh. [flare accel]" Mii said, fire appeared at Mii's feet, and she could move quickly. "Hm... [copy cat]. That move can be used so it's harder to see where your arms are moving because they cant see you." Midnight said.

After a while, they finally finished, and Midnight walked over to her guild house. "Nice to see you're in once piece!" Chrome said, "hm." Midnight said, she then turned into a fox and hopped into Sally's scarf. "Hah!?" Everyone but Maple and Sally yelled. "What?" Sally asked, "isn't that uncomfortable?" Iz asked, "no, not really. Plus she's really soft." Sally said truthfully. "Remember when we fought in the dessert, Kasumi, she was hiding there!" Maple said. "Oh." Kasumi said, confused.

Moves Midnight learned:

Flame Empress: A skill that creates several balls of fire (1-meter across) that move in sync with the user's arms.
Flare Accel: A skill that causes flames to explode at the user's feet and accelerates their movement.
Eruption: A skill that causes the ground to explode and pillars of fire to shoot up.
Explosive Flame: A skill that creates an explosive flame that deals low damage. It has a high knockback effect.
Flame Spear:A skill that fires a spear of fire at a target.
Flame Prison: A skill that surrounds a target in a durable cage of flames. The cage lasts until the user's mana is consumed or up to 10 minutes. It's only usable once per day. It deals fixed damage to those locked inside.
Disintegrate: A skill that covers the user in flames before self-destructing into a pillar of fire that reaches into the sky.
Holy Rain:Your sword glows white, and when swung, the light moves up to 5 meters away before bursting into a rain of light.
Defense Break: A piercing attack .

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