Vanilla : Chapter 24

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"alright, before we go in i have to tell you something..."

Sunny furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as to why she wasn't allowed in the house.


"i have a surprise for you, but if you hate it, just tell me....don't lie and say you like it when you hate it."


"im serious.... im serious sunny."

Aubrey tangled his fingers in hers and squeezed her hand slightly. Sunny's heart thumped inside of her chest as to what he had in store, this wasn't the first surprise Aubrey had given her and all the others she had loved dearly so she didn't see how she could hate this one. She walked in the house to see that nothing had changed, her confusion changed into shock as she walked in the living room to see a gorgeous shiny, black grand piano. It was drop dead gorgeous and sunny didn't know what to say or do. She stood there staring in shock with her eyes enlarged, while Aubrey stood next to her chewing on the inside of his bottom lip

"this is for me?....."

" you .. like it?"

"are you kidding? its amazing."

Sunny smiled big as she sped walk over to it, stopping slowly once she stood in front of it. It was much bigger then Rex's piano that she used at the funeral, and definitely much newer. She ran her fingers across the smooth slick top rear board, feeling its cold touch against her fingers. The seat was soft and very comfortable, nothing like the kitchen chair she would use when she played as a child, she took in everything falling majorly in love with it. She looked up at Aubrey who looked at her with love in his eyes, he was glad that she loved it cause he spent a fortune on it, which wasn't the problem, he was just nervous that she wouldn't like it and he wouldn't know what to do because he doesn't know how to play. He walked over to her and sat next to her on the playing bench smiling happily

"play for me."


Her eyes enlarged a little, she had told him it was okay for them to talk about the musical genius side of her not show it. Like she said many times, she wanted to be known for her music, not her voice.

"play for me... its okay, i wont judge you...just ... play."

Aubrey smiled lovingly at sunny, she look down at the keys then back up at him, a look of worry plastered to her face. Its not that she had an issue with her talents, she just didn't really have a thing for it the way people with great voices should. She took a deep breath and placed her fingers on the keys, she got a song in mind as to what she would sing and held her breath before pressing down on them, her fingers sped up as the song moved along. The song came to her naturally because it was one of Rex's favorites, and he would literally make her play it for him over and over and over as if she were a CD or MP3 player. She took a deep breath before singing, and as soon as she did it was like Aubrey wasn't even there, like she was in the living room of her home with rex, the security team, dog and her brother. It was like she was 13 and she had just finished her homework, like she was starving for dinner but Rex wouldn't let her eat till she played for him.

"blue jean baby, LA lady, seamstress for the band

pretty eyed, pirate smile, you'll marry a music man

ballerina, you must've seen her dancing in the sand

and now shes in me, always with me, tiny dancer in my hand"

Aubrey smiled a wide grin as her fingers glided swiftly across the keys as if they were nothing, she was beautiful by doing nothing but when she played, sang, smiled she was heart stopping. Aubrey's heart thudded against his chest when the high notes came and she killed them out like Mariah Carey. Her voice carried like the wind, it was there and gone like nothing yet it echoed around in his head and stayed that way long after her singing ended. The song ended about five minutes later and Aubrey couldn't help but stand up and clap like an idiot, sunny smile a huge grin as she batted her eyelashes and did a curtsy. Aubrey pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly, she wrapped her arms around his torso and lay her head on his chest, he smelled amazing as always which gave her the chills. He kissed her head and rubbed her back softly

"i love you so much baby girl."

Sunny smiled lovingly but didn't say it back. She wanted to but at the same time she didn't want to, she didn't understand his ways and why he claimed he loved her so much, yet he wouldn't make it official with her.

"want to go for a walk?"

"a walk? or me walking and you riding on my back?...cause you tend to do that every time we go for a walk."

Sunny smiled innocently, as she maneuvered around to his back and hopped on, Aubrey grabbed her legs and wrapped them around his torso while walking out the sliding glass door and into nature. It was beautiful out today, not to hot, not to cold, just perfect. The breeze coming off the ocean blew through sunnys hair just how she liked causing her to smile big, the smell of the sea water rushed through her nose along with Aubrey's perfectionate cologne. she kissed his neck softly as he continued to walk across the sand slowly, taking in the peace and quiet.



"i love you."

She could practically hear the smile spread across his face, She felt his grip on her legs tighten a bit as he took in a deep breath

"i love you even more my princess."


Sunny squinted her eyes as she shuffled slowly to the light coming from the living room, it was currently 3 am and she woke up to the sound of piano keys. When she checked to make sure it wasn't a robber or something she realized Aubrey wasn't in bed with her, she ran a hand through her blonde hair as her eyes became adjusted to the light


he looked up from the keys and stood up

"hey, go back to sleep. its early."

"are you gonna come sleep with me? cause if not then im not going back to sleep."

Aubrey sat back down and pressed another key, he stared intently down at what sunny guessed was a book of simple songs and sheet music that came with the piano, sunny shuffled over in her pink fuzzy socks and sat next to him, she didn't have panties or a bra on just one of his shirts that was oversized and very soft.

"why are you up?"

"i want to learn how to play.........can you teach me?"

"at 3 o'clock in the morning?"

"thinking out loud?"

"im all ears."

Aubrey sighed and rubbed his hands down the thighs of his white linen pajama pants.

"speaking hypothetically, say guy is so in love with girl and he knows if he doesn't do something soon he will lose girl, and losing girl would crush him because he does truly love girl so much...but hes never done this before because girls throw themselves at guy left and right so he doesn't know what to do...... hypothetically..."

Sunny looked down and smiled lightly, when she looked up Aubrey was staring right at her with love strung out in his eyes

"well...hypothetically, guy should just tell girl that he wants to be with her because girl doesn't want to lose guy either, girl really loves guy and girl really truly wants to be with him, but the longer guy doesn't ask, the more upset and sad girl gets because girl feels like he doesn't really love her and he doesn't truly want to be with hypothetically guy should grow some balls and ask the question....hypothetically.."

Sunny smiled innocently as Aubrey looked at her in shock, he smirked and look down. the two sat in silence for about a minute until Aubrey spoke up. Sunnys heart nearly exploded at the sound of the words, the words shes been dying to hear, the words shes wanted to hear ever since they first met, the words that proved he really wanted her the way she wanted him

"be mine?"


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