Vanilla : Chapter 28

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"nope, nope. im leaving"


Sunny narrowed her eyes as chubbs stood in front of the door with his arms folded across his chest. Sunny turn to Aubrey and furrow her eyebrows in sadness

"that's no fair, you cant use chubbs to keep me hostage."

"i can and i did, now come sit."

Sunny poked out her bottom lip in a pouty face as she shuffled over to sit in the office chair next to Aubrey. All of the OVO crew were all together in a fairly large conference room, it was located in the basement of the YOLO estate, Oliver who sat to her right slid a paper over to her and pointed to one line out of hundreds.

"it says here that you will even be compensated and-"

"its not about the money! i just don't want to do it, Aubrey i told you we could talk about it but that doesn't mean that-"

Aubrey grabbed her hands in his and looked her in the eyes, he knew she was scared, he knew she was sad that he would be leaving her and to be real this was the only thing he could think of that would work. Aubrey called a meeting for the OVO crew to attend after spending hours on a conference call with business people, Oliver and 40. he wanted sunny to go on tour with him and work as his back up singer to his hit song hold on, were going home. It was definitely one of his favorites that she played for him, he made her play it for him over and over because he loved it so much. Between her pianist brilliance and her singing skills he came up with the great idea to have her play with him while he did his tour. She would play piano and sing back up while he sang along with her, they had done it almost every night and Aubrey didn't understand why she wouldn't want to say yes, why she was so scared, why she was hesitating.

"baby girl....i understand that you don't have an answer, but you saying no isn't gonna get us anywhere. you said and i quote you would do anything to keep us together, this...this is that anything."

"but Aubrey im-"

"i don't want to hear you say your not good enough, i don't want to hear you say that your not good at what you do and i really don't want to hear you say no.... you don't have to give an answer right now, you don't have to say anything. just listen, just consider. okay?"

Sunny furrowed her eyebrows as she looked down, she looked at the papers then up at Aubrey and nodded her head slowly. Don't get me wrong she wished she was happy, she wished she was screaming for joy at this opportunity, but she wasn't. She did not want to sing, she did not want to play, her musical talents were supposed to be buried with Rex because he was supposed to be the only one to know, other then her brother and the security team. They made a pact to never speak of it to anyone but themselves and here she was now discussing tour plans and details. Oliver kept talking, everyone else kept staring and sunny kept thinking, she wasn't even paying attention anymore, thoughts raced around her mind, scenarios played like films. It was all to surreal and she felt as if it was all a dream she needed to be waken from, what about sierra? what about the baby that she would be fathering? what about her? She had no issues playing in front of Aubrey, she did it every night, but playing in front of hundreds of thousands of people for three months straight, it was a lot to take in and she didn't know if she would be able to handle that.

"ill call you later when im ready to be picked up."

"okay, gimme kiss."

After the meeting Aubrey told sunny he would drop her off at the hotel so she could hang out with Sierra for a few hours, she leaned in a pecked his lips softly and as she pulled away he grabbed her for another. She got out of the car and before she could close the door he spoke up

"by the way, you look so sexy in those jeans today, i really wished i could've fucked you right there on the conference table."


"its true."

Sunny blushed mad hard as she closed the door and waved goodbye before walking off, personally she thought she looked like crap today, but clearly not to him. It smelled like a bakery on the 34th floor and once sunny got closer she realized it was from the hotel room, she entered and it was like candy land, cupcakes, pies, cookies, muffins, candy and tons more. Anything sweet you could name and it was there



She walked out of the master bedroom and hiccuped while reaching for god knows what number cupcake and began to lick the icing off

"turns out im three months, its went without notice for three months!! do you know how much sex and alcohol ive had in three months, the baby is healthy though. god these are good."


"the doctor appointment went well to, she said she loves the idea of you being the babies other guardian. she wont be able to know the sex till next month, cause you know gotta wait atleast four months till you can tell for sure but the doctor thinks it'll be a little boy."


"oh and i-"


Sierra looked up with cotton candy colored icing all over her mouth, sunny bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing at her cuteness and took a deep breath

"what is all of this?"

"oh right! this is Sierras Sassy Bakery. over there is muffins and funnel cake, over there is cookies and brownies, here is cupcakes and apple pie, i made the pie apple because i know that is your favorite flavor."

Sierra smile innocently as sunny stare around at all the gorgeously placed foods, she smiled and shook her head as she grabbed a pie and a fork, she shuffled to the couch and plopped down on it while digging into the delicious dessert without hesitation.

"im guessing cravings."

"no, i just think it would be fun to open a i pretended this was a bakery and i was the head baker and yeah.....i guess i got a little carried away.."

Sunny arched an eyebrow at her while she chewed on the warm apples

"okay fine...they were cravings but when i say that i feel fat so i don't want to say it cause i don't want to be fat."

"you threw all your chances of not becoming fat out the window when jahron busted a nut."

Sierra gasped and hit sunny in the arm, sunny retaliated back by throwing an apple slice at her. Sierras mouth dropped in shock as the gooey apple slid down her face, she wipe it off as sunny laugh out into the room, dimples flashing, eyes going chinky. Her laugh was interrupted by the feeling of thick fudge across her cheek, she look up to see sierra standing with her left hand covered in chocolate from the freshly stirred brownie batter. Sunny squinted as she stood up in full fight mode

"oh its on."

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