Chapter 1: Introduction

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Standing in a well lit kitchen next to a cutting board table Lizbeth poured coke into two glasses that had a few cubes of ice in them, for herself and her boyfriend. Once full, she used one hand to move some of her long blonde hair behind her ear before putting the two liters of coke into the fridge. With a broad smile she leaned on the open doorway to the living room, just peering out at her boyfriend and taking the time to appreciate what she had and what she had planned for the two of them.

The twenty one year old young woman was loving her summer vacation so far, she had been hired by Heather Mauro and her husband James to watch their four bedroom house in the suburbs of Long Island, New York. The pair and their two sons were going on a family vacation for a month, the only thing she had to do was sleep in the guest bedroom and keep the plants watered. It was an amazing way to make some extra money and with her work from home job things became perfect. For a full month she would be able to get out of her own house, no more suffocating parental oversight, or at least no more for a full month. She was practically a grown adult, it irked her that her father and mother treated her like a kid and insisted she still live with them till she at least was finished with college.

Being alone in the large home she did break at least one rule. Heather Mauro had made it clear that she could not have any parties or boys over and here she was on day four with her boyfriend Blake staying there with her. Gazing at him she smiled, he was four inches shorter than hers five foot eight, but he made her feel like a princess and she hoped he felt like her king. Earlier that day he had just shown up at the house, hadn't asked permission. Seeing him standing in the doorway brushing his hand through his messy dark brown almost shoulder length hair and soft brown eyes almost sparkling with mischief. He was dressed like he usually was, dark cargo shorts, a short sleeve button up shirt left open and a lighter shirt under and a pair of his cheap navy blue sneakers. She had been surprised and happy to see him, but he had heard her ire.

"Blake Downings! You can't just show up here! I told you that I was told no boys allowed!" The shrug of his shoulders and cavalier attitude had irked her, but it all melted away when he moved one hand from behind his back to show her a pair of red roses he had brought.

"Sorry Lizbeth, I was listening, but… I missed your smile. Yell at me if you want, so long as I get to see your beautiful smile before I go."

Her will power had cracked and she invited him in with no intention of sending him away. They had spent the day on the couch, him laying with his head on her lap as she worked away on her laptop. With him not having to work, his parents covering his basic expenses he could easily stay with her, the two were going to play a much more grown up game of house as far as she was concerned.

"What are you doing Liz?" Blake called out to his girlfriend who was leaning on the threshold between the living room and kitchen with drinks in hand. He eyed the beautiful blonde up, eyes drifting up from her red strapped sandals over her smooth sun kissed legs, to the jean six front button skirt, her tight thin strapped red cami top. His light brown stopped to look into her own light blue ones. Coming over to stay with her had been a spur of the moment decision, she had said he wasn't allowed over and that had only made him want to come over that much more. At home his parents were strict, no job, no sports, all attention had to be on his grades. They wanted him to graduate and move on to become a lawyer, he had no interest in that… or at least not during the summer. All he wanted to do was spend time with the girl he fell in love with his senior year of high school, the girl he held in his arms as she leaned down to kiss him as soft music played.

"Nothing, just thinking about… things." Lizbeth said with a playful smile on her lips.

Shifting on the couch he raised an eyebrow, her teasing tone gave him all sorts of ideas. Not new ones, he had been thinking about what they could get up to the entire uber ride over here. The trip had cost the last of his cash for the week, till his parents released his next stipend as they phrased it, but looking at her and how she put an extra wiggle in her walk as she moved towards him, he knew it was money well spent. "How about you come sit here…" He patted the couch next to him. "And we can do some things instead of just thinking about them."

The two were not teenagers anymore, but it didn't take long for them to act the part as they ran their hands over one another as they kissed. Their lips touching, parting, their faces shifting as their tongues probed. Lizbeth would have climbed on top of his lap as the boy gave in to their passions, but she had always been afraid of trying that with the smaller man. So instead she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck to hold him tighter to him, letting his hand slide up the back of her top, his warm hand pressing into her flesh. The longer they kissed the more his hand explored, moving from her back down to her rear or to her stomach and then up to press into her breasts. She could feel something in his pants, something firm and warm pressing into her, his excitement at being with her causing her to be just as turned on.

owners coming home kicked his imagination into gear as he thought about his girlfriend's various hot friends. "Who are you going to invite over!?"

The smile hadn't faded from her face as she looked at him, her imagination going just as wild as his own, but thinking about something widely different. "I think you know her actually, dark brown hair, soft brown eyes, slime build… down right petite and only five foot four."

"Yeah? Who is she?" He said leaning closer, the erection in his pants that had started to subside after the phone had cock blocked him had returned with a vengeance. If Liz had just mentioned a threesome joking like he had then he would have dismissed it saying how she was all he needed and wanted. Blake wasn't really sure he could handle two girls at once, but with this being a reality he would figure it out.

"Oh yeah." She teased leaning in close, giving her little king a soft kiss on his lips. "Her name is Blake."


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