Chapter 5: Where Blake meets David

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Still standing in the entrance way Blake hardly paid attention to the teen boy, his eyes tracked Liz as she walked away. When he heard the door shut his attention snapped back in that direction, he wasn't going to bolt out the door, but the sound of it closing and the lock being engaged made him feel trapped. Eyes wide, he turned in the direction Liz went and started to walk into the living room with the intent to follow her into the kitchen.

David's heart leapt for joy seeing the girl, Blake, look at him wide-eyed, with a smile on her face. 'She looks so happy, be cool, be cool, act like it is no big deal that she is excited as you are to spend time together.' He thought to himself as he picked up his pace to get ahead of the girl. As he moved to step in front of her his hand touched her lower back and he motioned with his other hand to the couch. "Let's sit here while they talk, I would umm..." He forced himself to look the girl in the eye, seeing her wide-eyed look as she peered up at him helped him cement his confidence. "We could talk and watch tv or whatever."

"Oh..." Blake said, feeling the taller boy's hand on his back. With the teen standing so close Blake was forced to crane his neck to look him in the face. It made Blake feel diminutive, a feeling that wasn't a novelty to him, but with how he was dressed it made him also feel vulnerable. With a swallow he allowed himself to be guided to the sofa, where he smoothed the skirt of the dress out as he sat like he had been taught, feeling very much like a spotlight was shining at him.

"So you are staying with Liz for the summer, that's cool. I mean she seems nice. Are you having fun?" David said, running his left hand through his curly messy hair. 'Are you having fun? Come on, you can do better than that.'

Pressing his thighs together Blake could feel his nylon covered smooth legs rubbing against one another, his mind was too occupied with the situation to consider it, but his lower mind, the more animalistic one was paying attention to the almost erotic feeling. He loved running his hand along Liz's legs the few times she wore pantyhose or the one time she wore stockings. "Liz... Miss Liz is nice." His words felt hesitant, she was more than nice, she was amazing and the two really did have some fun, they had some fun right here on this couch. "Yeah, we have fun." Blake added with a small shrug of his shoulders, the movement reminding him of the bra wrapped around him and making him feel the same vulnerability come over him again. He didn't want to sit here with some teen kid, but he had been told he had to be nice, and he had to listen to the 'adults' and they hadn't invited him along with them when they went off to talk.

"Yeah!? What do the two of you get up to for fun?" David asked, his heart beating faster with the pretty girl willingly sitting so close to him that their thighs were practically touching. He had a girlfriend once and they had even kissed a few times, but mostly they just held hands. It lasted for all of a month. Dating her was great and it had been nice to have a date to homecoming and part of him wondered if he could date Blake and not screw it up before prom for his senior year. 'Don't get ahead of yourself, you always do this!'

"Oh, ahh, umm.. " Blake started to run his thumb across the smooth surface of his painted nails again, much like he had done while waiting not long ago. "You know, girl stuff. Painting our nails and makeup and trying on dresses." It was not what Blake would call fun, but it had been a real activity they had done, just not one he wanted to happen.

"I should have known." David said, laughing awkwardly as he ran his left hand through his hair again. "It is pretty, you know."

"Hmm?" Blake looked up from his hands with a questioning look.

"Your dress, I mean." The nervous boy said quickly to answer her unasked question, but looking into her eyes he felt compelled to say more. He had watched his last girlfriend put on her makeup a few times, he could tell Blake had put in effort with eyeliner, mascara and eyeshadow. He was sure there was more she did, but he didn't know all the things girls did for their makeup. It made him wonder briefly if she had done it because that is just what she did everyday or if it was because she knew he was coming home. Either way, he felt smitten. "Well, your dress, your outfit... and of course you."

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