Chapter 19: Liz makes it up to Blake

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Getting back home, or his temporary home Blake let David play the gentleman and open the car door for him and then arm in arm they walked up to the front door. Since they were both going inside he had expected him to just open the door, not for the kid to turn to face him.

"I had a really good time tonight Blake." David said truthfully, over the moon, type of happy, that she agreed to be his girlfriend. He had also hoped after what they talked about something more might happen in the car, but there were people about in the parking lot and they couldn't do it here in the driveway where his mom could see them. He wished there was a makeout point like there always seemed to be in tv shows.

"Yeah, me too." Blake said with a smile, feeling awkward, knowing what was coming and really wanting to avoid it. "I really like this." He said holding up his hand, fingers splayed like he was showing off an engagement ring, before popping the watermelon flavored candy into his mouth. He was hoping that would buy enough time for the moment to pass, but it seemed David was having one of his unfortunate moments of confidence as he felt the young man's encircle his waist and pull him closer. To get it over with Blake took the candy ring from his mouth and leaned into the kiss. Blake almost always had to initiate any smooching sessions with Liz, not always, but mostly and even then he tended to be in control of how things went, or he was till she let him know he crossed a line, a line that changed from day to day depending on her mood. It was perfectly fair, but he always wanted more and Blake was sure that was true of every male. The problem here was that Blake wasn't in control, he was the smaller... submissive partner that got swept up and held, David taking the lead.

Holding his date close, David didn't have the experience to know her chest was fake, he hadn't ever touched a girls breasts before so what he had pressed against his chest now made his manhood swell as he tasted the girls watermelon flavored lips and mouth. As the kiss lingered, his face turning slightly to cause friction between their lips, one of David's hand drifted down feeling a bit emboldened by the fact Blake made sure her mouth tasted good for him, for them as they kissed. His hand slid down to her rear and gripped it lightly and when she didn't react he gripped her tiny wonderful ass a little tighter, overjoyed to hear her moan into his mouth and her body tremble at his touch.

A spike of shock ran through Blake, he had stopped moving when he felt David's hand touch his rear and then when the horny teen cupped his ass cheek to pinch it his entire body shook. Pressing both hands to his chest Blake pushed on the much stronger man to get him to pull back. He was happy it was over and was about to say how they should head in when the next kiss happened, this time not on his lips, but his neck. Once more Blake felt his body grow stiff, but then his eyes started to roll back, his legs felt weak from a wave of pleasure. He kissed Liz on her neck, her shoulder, her collar bone, her upper back, her lower back, her ass cheek... anywhere he could really, but till this second he had no idea what she felt and it was intoxicating.

"I guess we have to stop."

Blake heard those words, but it was like coming out of a fog as the necking stopped. The wind blew across his wet flesh sending another shiver through him. "Wha?" He said blinking his lashes that he thought had no right to feel as heavy as they did. That was when he noticed the porch light flickering on and off. "Oh, yeah, yeah. We should go inside." Stepping out of David's grip Blake took a few steadying breaths. 'Get a grip! You didn't like that, you don't like boys, you like girls, you love Liz.'

Waiting for the love birds to step into the house she gave them both a knowing smile, but didn't mention out loud what she had caught them doing. "I hope you kids had fun, I would love to hear all about it." She made sure they both saw her smile before picking up the purse she had bought for Blake earlier, holding it out to her. "I think you missed something."

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