Chapter 20: Dreamin' Fantasies

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Getting very little answers from his girlfriend other than they should sleep on it, Blake ended up getting changed into a set of girly pajamas, this one not sexy like the other pair he had modeled and it made him wonder why this wasn't the one he was told to wear. Sending a new selfie of himself in the long sleeved purple nightie off to his mom with the ever so sly response of "What boy?" It took him sometime to fall asleep back in the smaller bed, not getting to find out what his sexy girlfriend had in mind after discussions of his parents ruined any type of sexual mood. Hearing Liz's heavy breathing he was both annoyed that she fell asleep so quickly and happy to hear the comforting sound. When they were... when she was... he didn't consider that Liz might be still drunk or tipsy, he hadn't really been that focused on other things, but that thought bounced around his head before slumber took him, along with the things she made him say before she swallowed almost every drop of his cum.

Not having bothered putting on anything other than a clean pair of panties Lizbeth had climbed into bed and was fast asleep her dreams filled with sexy thoughts, like her mousy haired boyfriend, his hair looking much more like its normal shaggy mane. His taken clean shaven body, except for a pair of little panties that were pulled down, his cock semi-hard and dripping cum. While she stood next to him, his body seemed smaller than normal compared to herself, to her naked body. Around her waist she had belted on a purple strap on dildo, something she didn't even own. Her dream self smiled as she looked down at both of their members, his real but small dick and her thick and long cock that she held in both hands,touching it to the tip of his leaking member and making a kissing noise. "Mine's bigger, that means I get to be on top." She said with a wolfish smile.

In another part of the house, on the other side of a well insulated wall slept David. He had an incredibly long day working out in the sun from the early morning to late afternoon as he went around his neighborhood asking if anyone needed any lawn work done, weeds pulled, bushes trimmed, cars washed. All so that he could take Blake out on a date and show her that he wouldn't have to rely on his mom for money in order to take her out. The date had gone better than he thought, he was so excited it was hard for him to sleep or was until he layed in bed thinking of Blake and jerking off.

The teen boy could hear Blake and Liz making sounds in the other room and wished he could know what they were talking about and what they were up to. Years ago his dad had said the house needed an upgrade to help keep the power bills down by redoing the poor insulation in the house and when that happened all noise from the rooms had become much more muffled. He loved the fact that he could turn his music or the sound for a game he was playing without his mom telling him to turn it down. Now though it only kept his hormone driven brain guessing at what was going on. He knew they weren't really up to anything, but he had the biggest crush on his one time babysitter for a long time and imagining them sitting on the bed together making out and then inviting him to join in had been a fun thing to think about as he touched himself. As he visited the world of dreams his thoughts followed. Liz in sexy red lingerie, Blake in a different set of peach lingerie and both pressing themselves up against him, rubbing their hands on his chest, sliding down to his cock. Both girls worked it at the same time while he held them both, his hands cupping their wonderful breasts as they confessed their love for him.

 Both girls worked it at the same time while he held them both, his hands cupping their wonderful breasts as they confessed their love for him

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All dreams in the household weren't as pleasant, Blake had a hard time getting to sleep and when he did his dreams were troubled. At first he thought Heather, Aunty Heather he thought looked like a giant of a woman with him only standing up to her waist. When she spoke though he knew it was because he was just a kid. "Up you go hon." He heard her say as she sat down, pulling him up to sit in her lap. "You are just the cutest little girl ever!" She had said pinching his cheek.

That was when he saw Liz walking closer to him with a massive smile, the type of smile she gave him when he would randomly tell her how beautiful or amazing she was. This time she wasn' smiling because of something he had said, it was because of what she held between her hands, a soft blue dress with purple accents a super frilly thing that he looked at with trepidation. "I'm not a doll!" He said with as much authority as he could muster, but all he heard was a soft angelic like voice coming from his own throat. Surprised at his own voice he touched his neck and realized he was wearing a different dress, one no person would ever wear, it was meant for a doll. He wasn't sure how he hadn't noticed what he was wearing, the dress, glossy mary jane shoes and a girly hat that was tied under his chin.

"Don't be silly Blake, you are a princess!" he heard dream Liz say to him as she stepped closer and closer.

"Don't be silly Blake, you are a princess!" he heard dream Liz say to him as she stepped closer and closer

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"Blake hon, you can be both a dolly and a princess. Isn't that great!?" Blake heard from Aunty Heather as she held him around the waist in a vice grip like hold as he struggled, already knowing there was nothing he could do. Part of him realized this was only a dream and he wished he could just wake up to escape the feminine assault.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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