Chapter 2: Feminised by Girlfriend

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With great hesitation, Blake found himself being dragged up to the guest bedroom in the large suburban house. "Liz... don't joke around." He said as his taller girlfriend pulled him along by the wrist. What she was saying was crazy, there was no way she thought he would allow her to dress him up like a girl to make Heather Mauro think she had a female friend staying over. Not only was it ridiculous that he would dress up as a girl, there was no way anyone would believe he was a girl.

"I'm not joking Blake. You chose to come here, and did so when I told you that you couldn't come."

"Yeah, but... ahh it wasn't like you sent me packing either." He replied knowing if she had then she would have been even more upset that she would have to pay for him to head home.

Getting him into the bedroom where she was staying Lizbeth let go of the young man's slim wrist, spinning around to glare at him. "Do not put that on me, you made a decision and ignored any type of consequences and I am not going to get fired because of you. I love you... you are my little king." Her voice started out with a bite to it, but softened as she stepped into her boyfriend's personal space, putting one hand on his chest and leaned in so their lips could meet briefly. "But I am not going to let your lackadaisy attitude and lies ruin my reputation." Liz continued in a soft voice. It would be easy if he could just head home or go to his friend's place, but she didn't have enough in her bank account to just rent a hotel room because he hadn't thought things through when he ignored her when she said he couldn't come over. That and the idea of putting him in a dress, brushing out his hair and putting makeup on him excited her a great deal.

"Liz... you know I don't like it when you call me that."

"Why? You are my king." She said with a bright smile.

"It isn't..." Blake let out a sigh, she wasn't clueless as to why he didn't like being called her little king, she was just teasing him. "I can see how excited you are, and I'm going to tell you the same thing I told you last year when you wanted to do a youtube video for putting makeup on your boyfriend. No, not going to happen. I can... I don't know sleep in one of their cars in the garage."

Lizabeth shook her head. "That wouldn't work, what if you made a noise, or when they needed a car they have a fifty percent chance of taking the one you are in and that is if they don't just see you in it. Heck... Blake there isn't a bathroom in the garage."

"Yeah but..." Blake hesitated as he looked into the eyes of the girl he loved. He wasn't sure what to say, where to go except back home. There he wouldn't have his own room and he would run the risk of his parents calling his friends' parents to see what changed. "I can just go home, I will more than likely get grounded." As he said it he felt his girlfriend's delicate fingers wrap around his own as she took both of his hands into her own.

"You do not have to get in trouble, how about you just let me try. Let me show you that you could pass as a girl. If you don't think Mrs. Maruo will buy it then no harm done. In fact... if you let me try and I mean put in a real effort, with you not fighting me then I will rent you a hotel room if this will not work."

Blake did not want to put on a dress or anything girly, but letting the girl he loved have some fun and then rent him a room for the night didn't sound so bad. Down right good when he thought about her staying over, it wasn't like the house needed watching when the family came home after all. It would be like their prom night all over again, though the dynamic of who was paying would change, not that it mattered. "Okay, only on one condition."

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