Chapter 8: Watching "Action" Movie

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After lunch and the humiliation of being asked out by a high school boy, Blake now had to live through it. He had tried doing one of those things he knew girls did, saying he had to use the bathroom and asked Liz to come with him so they could talk.The problem was the the pretty woman in her low forties came along too and unlike in the mens room where talking was not encouraged, there seemed to be no unspoken rule about it in the womans. So instead he went into a stall, tried to pretend he was alone as he hiked up the pink dress-like garment, then pulled down both the pantyhose on his legs and the panties all so he could sit to pee. He wasn't about to do what got Robin Williams caught in that old movie where he dressed up as a nanny to watch his kids, standing to pee sounded like a horrible way to be discovered.

"Thanks again for lunch Mrs. Mauro," Lizbeth said as she washed her hands.

"It is no problem at all, and I think I told you to call me Heather. If not, I meant too," she said considering the conversations she had today, giving up quickly, feeling more than a little tipsy after three mimosas.

"You did, but I'm trying to set a good example for Blake."

"Oh I think she is a bit preoccupied to notice much of what we do," she said, giving the younger girl a wink as she got out of the stall. "Paying for your lunch is the least I could do after barging in and interrupting both of your summers," she didn't think Blake cared much, she was so shy and yet had taken to her David right away. It had turned her idea of grounding David for being inconsiderate, ill prepared and trying to go back on his word. That boy was lucky in so many ways. "Besides, this bill was a lot less than if I was paying for both my boys and my husband," she said knowing full well she would be mostly spending her husband's money, she was middle management at the clerk of the court. While there were good benefits and security working for the state and extra little benefits that allowed her to help her younger sister Victoria get revenge on husband, it still didn't pay well and never would. "If you weren't around honey," heather said, focusing on the teen girl. "David would have at the very least gotten a second order of the duck fat truffle fries. Don't be fooled that boy can eat."

Not really sure why he was being told this, Blake just smiled and nodded, wishing that he had gotten those fries, thinking they sounded delicious and that the woman would just go away so he could talk to his girlfriend in peace. When someone else entered the bathroom though he gave up on trying to worm his way out of this commitment. 'At least I will get to see a good movie. It isn't like the kid is trying to take me to see a romance movie that both of us wouldn't want to see and he will try necking. God he better not try anything or I swear...' his thoughts trailed off as he looked at his gorgeous girlfriend in her flirty red dress and heels. He looked so hot, and he knew the two of them would be risking being kicked out of the movie theater if they went with her looking like that. Blake could feel his manhood that was tucked away in the panties wanting to come to life at the thought. 'It is just a movie and then tonight Liz will reward me for being... for being a good girl.'

With his mind on the prize Blake accompanied David to the movie theater, them being dropped off with Liz behind the wheel. David not only got the tickets, but two medium drinks and a medium popcorn. Blake didn't feel particularly hungry but he was sure he would get snacky soon as the bullets started flying on the movie screen. Getting into the theater itself Blake relaxed in the comfortable seats, trying to ignore the fact David pushed up the arm rest that would divide the two of them and mentally passed it off as the kid just wanting to hold hands.

When the movie started David held the popcorn in his lap with one hand, making sure to keep it in reach of Blake as she took a handful at a time. He felt nervous, it wasn't like he hadn't gone on a movie date before, but he hadn't been on any type of date before with Blake. He wasn't sure if he should put his arm around her, just hold her hand or if she liked to be left alone. Unable to come up with the correct answer and being distracted by the movie he went with complete inaction. So the two sat through the first act of the movie saying nothing and not touching at all, till one little accident changed everything.

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