Chapter 13: Blake's punishment

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Standing inside his living room, finally home Blake felt less like he was safe and more like he had led himself right into the jaws of proverbial death. His blase attitude about just taking a grounding hadn't been built on a good foundation and hadn't accounted for his mother finding him wearing a dress and bra. "Mom, I can explain," The slamming of the front door shut stopped the next thing Blake was going to say, not that he knew exactly what to say, he was winging it. His mother was more of a yell at you for closing a door too hard in the house and less of a slam the door herself type of person.

"Explain? Oh you better explain why my son who told me he would be at his friend Steven's place, is now home wearing a dress. Blake..." Lauren moved where she was standing to be able to have both her son and his girlfriend in her line of vision. "Lizbeth, who would like to explain what first?"

Not wanting to meet the woman's hard gaze Lizbeth pressed her lips together in a line, held up her hands in the air at chest height and shook her head no, she did not want to be part of the lecture she knew Blake was in for. She had seen the woman get angry before, never at her and she hoped never to have the ire of the six foot tall dark haired amazon of a woman. Much as she wanted to shirk away she couldn't help really seeing the resemblance between Blake and his mom. Blake's hair wasn't just past shoulder length like his mother, but it was the same color and now that Blake's hair was under control and he at least looked like he had a feminine chest she could see that her boyfriend was a smaller, younger version of his mother.

"No?" Lauren said watching the young blonde avoid eye contact. "That leaves you Blake, how about we start with Steven and don't think you are going to get away with anything. The second we are done talking I'm going to call his father to check your story. Something I guess I should have done to begin with, but that was my mistake for trusting my only child."

"Mom, mom... he doesn't have anything to do with this, I told you I would be at his place so I could go and stay with Liz at the house she was watching."

"Wait, hold it," Lauren said, holding up her hand for her child to stop talking. She was about to lay into him when her husband came out of his office. While she was already in her pajamas he was still dressed for the day in some slacks, blue polo shirt and a brown sweater vest and a pair of dark brown socks that she knew had a hole on the bottom and had been meaning to throw them away.

"Hey Ren, what is going on out here?" Bennet Downings said coming into the living room, seeing his wife with his son's girlfriend and another dark haired girl that looked familiar.

"Oh nothing, just our son flagrantly lying to us, getting his friend to lie for him and crossdressing. You know things every mother should expect from there child who she can't trust when he is off at college, as he fails half his classes and had been caught by the police drinking underage at a party."

"Son?" Bennet's eyes grew large as it struck him who the girl was in his living room and once said wasn't sure how he could have missed it being Blake for a second. A spike of guilt hit him as he took in the sight. Blake's legs were shaved, his hair was neat and clean, his eyebrows, while not as plucked and arched as his wife Ren's, had definitely been cleaned up. Blake was wearing a little makeup and he could even see the bra strap underneath the denim jumper. "Blake, why don't you come sit on the couch and we can talk about what is going on, it looks like you have some emotional weight that you would want to share," To him it didn't look like his son had just put on a dress as a lark, a lot of effort went in and the fact that he came home looking like that with his girlfriend told him that his son more than likely came home with someone he trusts in order to have a difficult conversation with his parents.

"He doesn't need to move a muscle, what he needs to do is understand how foolish he was for lying," Lauren flexed the fingers of one of her hands into a fist, she hadn't hit her child since he was a toddler and even then it was with a wooden spoon, just enough to spook the child. Her husband had chided her that it wasn't an effective way to teach a child, but she always knew him to be a loving, but a bleeding heart. A trait she imagined was helpful being a psychologist focusing on adolescents. Her Bennet was always the calm one, her rock that helped her stay grounded. He always looked for compromise and ways to avoid conflict that still resolved a situation. "Blake what do you think... did you even think?! What if there was an accident? No one would know where to find you," she said pointing her left index finger in her son's direction as he flinched away.

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