Chapter 17: Blake and David: Date 2 ;)

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Standing at the top of the stairs Blake felt a bit foolish as he just stood there waiting to be told to come down. Bending one foot to the side he wasn't able to rock his foot too much or he was sure he would risk falling down. The one last supposedly fun thing had been shopping for an outfit that would be just perfect, ever so perfect for his date with David. His normally wonderful girlfriend had practically set him up and while trying to pick out the perfect outfit, he really wasn't sure what that even meant, but he had tried to come up with an excuse to get out of it. "You know, Miss Liz was off today, but I think she forgot the two of us were supposed to go out tonight, just the two of us."

"Hmmm, she didn't mention anything about that, but she did seem a bit fluster this morning. I'm sure David would be happy to take you out tomorrow night, unless is is you Miss Downings that has butterflies in her stomach."

"I..." Blake said, putting his hand over his own stomach, he was indeed nervous about going on a date, but not for the reasons he imagined she would think. "Only thing in my stomach is food and witchcraft." That had been the moment the older woman pulled a move that was right out of his own mothers playbook. She pulled out her cell phone and called Liz to call his bluff.

"Hey Heather, Blake and I are trying to find something just right for her date tonight. Didn't know if you were back at my place or not yet, but she thought the two of you might have plans tonight."

"Not back yet, we... had a few drinks and are over at a Denny's getting sober. I think... Blake and I were talking about going to get her hair done tomorrow. Is that what you were thinking about Blake honey?"

Cursing to himself Blake wasn't sure why he thought Liz would back up his story, it wasn't something they had talked about today. In fact the two hadn't talked at all today, he should have texted her like he had his mother, the woman was making him send update to where he was, but she hadn't bothered to text him back once. "Yeah." Blake laughed nervously. "That must be what I was thinking about."

His attempt at escape had failed earlier and now that he waited to be called down for some slow walk down the stairs like some rom com where a girl walks down the stairs to her prom date, he didn't expect anything to change. Though looked down at what he was wearing he wished he could change. Blake still wore the same bra and panties from earlier, but he had on a pair of white panthose that sent a jolt of electricity up his body when he rolled them up his legs. A black skirt that came down to his knees, a first for his feminine wardrobe. A white blouse with a little built in neck tie thing that he thought looked like something a secretary should be wearing. On top of his head was a band that had a little black bow that hung just to the side of the crown of his head and then there was the shoes, because what shopping trip isn't complete without buying a new pair of heels for the twenty one year old boy that is pretending to be a sixteen year old girl. This pair of black rounded toe oxford lace up block four inch heels. Going over the mental checklist of all the things he was wearing he idling reached up and touched his left earlobe still not used to the extra weight even if it was minimal. If being in a dress or dress-like outfit wasn't bad enough and doing so to go on a date with a boy who thinks you gave an over the close handy to, he had to do it all in a pair of heels that he just might kill himself in as he tried to go down the stairs.

Looking down at his shoes, past his fake breasts he wobbled his feet from one side to the next. The block heel made them not so bad and he could admit they were cute, not for him, but wow he would love to see Liz in them. Maybe pairing the shoes with a schoolgirl outfit. Blake smiled at the idea. Turning his head he caught a glimpse of his face in a small mirror that hung on the wall on the stairs for decoration, catching his makeup covered face. There wasn't a lot on, but it had an effect, and considering it was Heather, David's mother he wasn't sure about how he should take it that she was dolling him up. She had used a minimal amount of concealer, an eyelid pencil, mascara and a neutral lipstick that was kissed priss. That comment made Blake blush, hating the idea that even she seemed to know they had kissed somehow.

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