Chapter 6: Going for Lunch

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Pressing her palms together Heather leaned her cheek into the back of her hand as she smiled in Blake's direction. She couldn't help thinking how cute the two were together and the way her son had jumped back from the girl when he realized she was there and how the girl had the biggest blush on her face just made it so much more precious. The moment had passed and she wanted to get moving, so she took in a deep breath, before letting out a shallow one along with a sigh. "I know the perfect place for lunch, really in the mood for some mimosas, what do you think?" she asked, looking at Lizbeth.

"That... that sounds great!" Lizbeth hadn't been twenty one for long and the fact someone she thought of as a responsible and successful adult wanted to drink with her left Lizbeth feeling a bit surprised. The surprise wasn't nearly enough to make her forget her current situation or what she had just learned about what Blake was up to, but still something pleasant.

"Great, let me go to the loo real quick and we can be on our way. I can't imagine David will take long to find a new shirt."

Feeling more than a little out of place and with his cheeks practically burning, Blake finally found the nerve to look his girlfriend in the eye when the dirty blonde older woman left the room. "Lunch? Please tell me we aren't going to lunch with them," he said pleadingly, his voice soft and light.

"Blake honey I know you are afraid of putting on weight, but you can't skip meals," Lizbeth said teasing her boyfriend, almost cracking up when he looked at her with a bewildered expression. Stepping a little closer she sat down and put her arm around her feminized little king, who felt more like a princess with the way he was dressed. "We have a bit of a problem, it looks like they are home for a week, not just a day and at the very least we have to play along with our lie till we can figure something out," she said in a hushed tone.

Liz I'm not going to do this, kid is like a gorilla! He was trying to kiss me!" While Blake matched the volume of his girlfriend's words, his had more intensity as he spoke with his eyes wide, trying to make her understand just how mad this was.

"I swear Blake Downings, if you ruin this opportunity and relationship with the Mauros there will be hell to pay. I have known them since I was sixteen when they needed a babysitter. I have earned their trust and I'm not going to have you ruin it and the money I can make because you couldn't take no for an answer when I told you that you could not come over while I was house sitting. So you..." Lizbeth stared intently into Blake's light brown eyes, letting the dramatic pause go on for just slightly too long. "Are going to be the sweet sixteen year old girl I'm watching till I can come up with a real plan. And considering David thinks you like him, it would be best if you did not disillusion him of that or he might just start looking closer at the things that don't really add up. Now, if the only thing people notice is how sweet you, the girl I'm babysitting is, then I believe I can find a way to reward you."

"You want me to..., wait, what kind of reward?" he wasn't sure what hell to pay meant, it didn't sound good and he could imagine more than one way she could hurt him, though he wasn't one hundred percent positive being found out he was a twenty year old man, pretending to be a girl or just having to act the part of a girl wouldn't be worse. The way Liz cocked her eyebrow and the corner of her mouth quirked up when she said reward instantly caught his male brain's attention.

"There is no way I would be allowed to sleep in the same bed as my boyfriend at home or here, but, no one would bat an eye if two girls slept in the same bed together," Seeing her boyfriend get an almost slack jawed gin on his face, that goofy grin she loved, as he nodded his head, told her he had gotten the idea. "Good, now I need you to play along with David. He thinks you like him, hold his hand so that his puppy love keeps blinding him to things," Lizbeth tapped his boyfriend's leg. "Like, you not sitting with your legs together and crossing your legs at the knee or ankle like a proper girl should. And... he isn't a gorilla, he's just an inch taller than me at five foot nine, heck the boy is the same height as his mother. Well the same height as Heather when she isn't wearing heels."

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