Chapter 18: The fake Wedding 💍

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Getting through a line of people Blake watched the teen boy buy a small string of connected red tickets. As he paid it dawned on the crossdressed man he couldn't have paid for them even if he wanted to. His debit card was missing just like his ID when Liz threw things in the trash, the worst hiding place he could imagine. His cell phone, tucked into the pocket of the gray skirt was all he really had on him. Blake had been dressed in really only a few feminine outfits, but he had already realized that a lack of pockets was common and he guessed he should feel happy to have some now. He had even told his parents how he didn't get a ride home partially because he didn't have the money in his account for it. Still they didn't deposit more in his account, he had checked. The only money given was what they had given to Liz and she wasn't telling how much she got, her reply had been teasing, but considering her mood towards him at the time he wasn't surprised he didn't get a real answer.

"Blake, it is none of your business how much I'm being paid to babysit you. "Little girls shouldn't be nosey. If you like, and promise to behave you can pick out an appropriate magazine. Maybe one on celebrities gossip, home decor, girls life or even cosmopolitan."

Thinking about their little shopping trip wasn't doing him any good now and it wouldn't magic him up money. Nor would it somehow make the little white purse with the silver chain Heather had gotten him to appear. Having to carry a bag... a purse with him so he had a way to carry all the girly crap was still very new to him and the purse was sitting on the counter in the guest bathroom upstairs. 'Yayyyyy no extra tampon for me for when I "needed" a change. THANKS AGAIN LIZ FOR TELLING PEOPLE I WAS ON MY PERIOD!' He mentally screamed.

"Ready to go?" David asked his date who looked distracted as she looked out at other people.

"Yeah, let's go in." Blake blinked a few times to clear his head.

"Were you looking at anything in particular? Or do you just enjoy people watching?" David knew if he was here with a friend and they did that he would be trying to see where they were looking to find a pretty girl. He guessed girls would do the opposite and it made him unsure of himself. Blake seemed interested in him and he tried to keep telling himself that but his insecurities felt harsher when he felt he had something to lose. 'What if she had recently broken up with a boyfriend? I'm just a rebound, someone to spend time with because I'm here and available?'

"Not really, I was just umm looking at what other girls were wearing. Is that something you enjoy doing?" Blake wasn't about to tell the boy what was going through his mind so he tossed his question back at him, unintentionally sounding like he was trying to get to know his date.

"Sometimes, but.." David gave a small shrug of his shoulders, not completing his statement as he thought of his first girlfriend. They had dated for a full two weeks, not including that last weekend. People watching was something she thought was fun was to go out in public and make up stories about people and he would do the same before they compared notes, but he really didn't think bringing up a past girl he had been with was a great date move. "Hey, I have a question for you." David said as he took the girl's hand as they walked into the fair proper.

The hand had felt so traumatic the day before, but everything Blake had been through he hardly thought about it as he entwined his fingers with the teen, the position of their hands feeling much more comfortable now that their heights weren't so different. "Shoot." he said as the ambiance of the fair washed over him. The mechanical smells from the rides were there, but the main thing that his nose picked up was the aromas of the food. Fried everything from griddle cakes, funnel cakes, fried oreos. He was sure he could smell sausage and cotton candy. Then there were the sounds. The rides off in the distance whooshing about, kids screaming in both fear and delight and the barking of the workers trying to get people to come to their stalls. It all made him feel like a kid again.

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