Chapter 12: Sneaking out

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Standing back in the guest bedroom of the Mauro residence Blake sat down on the edge of the bed, his bare legs pressed together as he hunched forward with his face pressed into his palms. "I'm done, I'm done, I can't, I can't, I'm done... I can't," he chanted to himself. The fashion show he was putting on had come to an end. The nightie and bunny slippers were still on his body as he thought about his options. David had asked him if he wanted to watch a movie or play video games up in his room and his mother had offered to help him break in the white heels that he now owned when he was prancing around showing off the dresses he shouldn't now own. The straw that broke him was the offer to play video games with David. An offer that sounded innocent, but he had seen the teen adjust himself and that had drawn his eye to the teen's crotch where he saw the bulge. There was no sign of a stain or wet spot from what happened at the theater, but seeing David turned on by him in the nightie, one that hardly covered his panties was the breaking point.

"Hey," Lizbeth said sitting down next to Blake who seemed to be panicking for some unknown reason. She had talked him down earlier in the bathroom and nothing major had happened since then. She thought he would jump at the chance to beat up David in some video games or at least try. Putting one arm around her little king's shoulder and the other on his smooth exposed thigh, she gave him a light side hug. "It's okay, you just have to make it through tonight if everything goes right. You don't even have to go downstairs, I can tell them you aren't feeling well and need to rest. Does that sound okay?" she added gently, her boyfriend very much looking like a young teen girl that she needed to protect.

"Liz, this has to stop. I'm not a girl, not a teen and not your doll," he said, pulling his hands away from his face.

With a heavy sigh Lizbeth nodded, she knew off of that and didn't think she was one of those sociopaths that didn't have empathy and knew she got carried away in her own enjoyment. The fact he played along by telling her about the movie date with David as if he really was a teen girl had really turned her on, but she supposed that would have to do and she needed to accept this needed to be over. "I get it, I do. Let me make a few phone calls to see where you can stay and if you want I can go over to your parents place tonight to see about getting you a change of clothes. You can rest here, just one night so we can get through this together."

Things felt more than a little pent up inside of Blake. When he was in front of Heather or David or the any number of people when he was out, he felt so small. He was afraid at any moment someone was going to point out the truth and somehow it never happening felt nearly as bad. He was a man and was really not feeling like it at the second. Blake thought of his uncle Abraham who was tall, had broad shoulders and a body that had been forged from regular gym trips. 'Uncle Abe would never be thought of as a girl.' Blake thought to himself, wishing he had disciplined himself enough to go to the gym on the regular. Back when he was just a freshman in highschool he hadn't even made it to five foot four yet and had begged his parents to get him a gym membership so that he could bulk up. He had passed if off as wanting to be healthier and get in shape in order to try out for some sports, but he may have used the membership a handful of times before it had been forgotten. Blake knew he shouldn't blame himself for how he looked, but he couldn't help listening to that quiet voice in his mind that said it was his own fault. How he was currently dressed though, that he could at least put the blame where it was deserved, right at girlfriend Lizbeth Haley's feet. "No," Blake said firmly.

"No? What do you mean?" She was confused by the response.

Brushing the hand from his shoulder Blake stood up, turning to face the blue eyed girl. "I said no. As in we aren't going to do that, heck you should have been making phone calls instead of treating me like a doll to have a little dress up party. And why do you have to go and get more clothes from my house? I'm just going to put on my clothes, some cargo shorts and a t-shirt and I will just go home. I climb out the window if I have to, but I'm going home. No more babysitting nonsense, no more dresses. I'm just done, I don't even care if my parents ground me," he could see the look on Liz's face change from one of perplexion to upset and then to down right anger, but he didn't care anymore. He was an adult man and was standing here in a bra, pantie, satin nightgown and freaking bunny slippers. "No liz, I don't care what that woman and her child think, I'm just done."

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