Chapter 4: Blake meets Mrs. Mauro

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"They are here!" Lizbeth called out loudly as she looked out the window seeing a taxi pull up in the driveway. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she imagined Mrs. Mauro coming inside, looking directly at Blake and asking her why her boyfriend was in a dress. The notion that she would say anything close to that was absurd. The forty-three year old woman had never met Blake, she was aware of a boyfriend, but hadn't even known his name. That and... Lizbeth turned her head to look at her dolled up lover. She hadn't needed to yell, he was just a few feet away, sitting on the couch and looking just as nervous as she felt.

Her little king sat on the edge of the couch wearing her clothes, back straight, legs pressed together and crossed at the ankle and hands in his lap just like she had drilled into him. Blake looked nothing like the twenty year old man he really was, instead the only thing she saw was a pretty teen girl four or five years her junior. "Heather and David will be here any moment, are you ready for this, Blake honey?" She asked, knowing there was no more time if the feminized man said no.

Shifting slightly Blake kept the small smile on his face that his girlfriend said he needed to keep there. She had said people, especially mothers, asked girls what was wrong when they looked upset like he had and it made some sense to him so he complied. Sitting there he was rubbing the pad of his thumb over the pink glossy nails on his other hand. He hated all of this, he hated being dressed as a girl, he hated the fact he looked like a girl that had just graduated from being a tween. He hated that he was wearing his girlfriends panties and how soft and comfortable they were, he hated wearing the dark pantyhose that felt so wonderful on his skin, yet felt like a rubber band around his waist. Most of all he hated himself for allowing Liz to convince him to do this. She had been very, very persuasive in the bedroom, he wasn't sure he could have denied the beautiful blonde anything when she was down on her knees, looking up at him with her light blue eyes as she held his manhood. His now tucked and trapped manhood twitched slightly at the memory of the blow job he had received.

Hearing Liz speak he looked over to her, blinking a few times to try and clear the fog from his mind and mentally complain about being able to see his own eyelashes thanks to the mascara and how he wasn't sure how people got used to such things. Liz was standing near the window, now looking over at him, the way she looked made him want to take her in his arms. Kiss her, hold her hand as he took her out on a nice date that he couldn't afford and then spend as much time as he could in the bedroom to show her how much he appreciated how she dressed up for him. But she hadn't dressed up for him, here she was wearing a little red dress with thin shoulder straps, the hem coming down to mid thigh a length lower than his own dress he thought mentally twinging. She wore matte red lipstick, had used eyeliner and different shades of eyeshadow, it was all more than she normally wore and in addition she was wearing heels. They were a pair of red rounded toe, ankle straps two and a half inch block heel, nothing incredibly high or anything, but the last time he saw her wear heels around him was back when they had went to prom together. He didn't care if she wore heels and was taller, heck he thought like most men that girls in heels looked sexier, but his Liz didn't wear them around him. He was already four inches shorter than her and while she said it didn't bother her, the fact she never wore heels made him think otherwise.

"I was asking if you are ready, but it looks like you are off in your own little world, missy." Lizbeth said with her hands on her hips. "Come on now, let's meet them at the door." She motioned for her boyfriend to follow.

"Sure Liz..." He said not feeling sure at all as he got to his feet he looked down past his padded chest at his nylon covered feet in the girly flats. This was the most embarrassing moment of his life and he was walking towards it with a smile on his face, a fake smile, but still not an expression he ever thought he would be wearing. Though he never expected to have lipgloss on his lips either.

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