Chapter 7: Asking to watch a Movie

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Getting to their destination Blake was the first to get out of the van, he shot out like a rocket. His mind wasn't liking the compliments or the small show of intimacy of holding hands with the high school boy. Turning around he stepped away from the vehicle and animatedly waved his girlfriend over. "Liz, come here."

Still only partially out of the van, Lizbeth looked over Heather Mauro. "Someone seems eager to tell me something."

Putting up a sun visor to help protect her car from the sun, Heather looked out her door window to her eldest child, a small smirk on her own face. "I wonder what it could be about," The pair shared a laugh both thinking about the same situation they had partially witnessed on the drive here.

Stepping over to her feminized boyfriend Lizbeth put one hand on her hip. It wasn't often she wore heels around Blake, or in general, but she also knew that was linked back to feeling less feminine when she towered over her boyfriend. At this moment between their natural height difference and her shoes she stood a good seven inches over the man and it didn't bother her in the slightest, in fact it made her feel more confident. "Sweetie, you need to call me Miss Liz, or Miss Lizbeth, remember?"

"I just had a kid practically confess his undying love for me, that doesn't matter right now. I'm freaking the fuck out!" Blake said through gritted teeth as he held up his arms to chest level, clenching and opening his hands rapidly, unable to grasp why she didn't see the problem.

"Blake, honey, it does matter, you have to show respect to adults and you are forgetting I was in the van with you. David does seem to like you, but just because a boy two years older than you said you are beautiful doesn't mean he is in love with you," she said, teasing him.

"Dammit Liz! Don't act like a bitch and just, just call an uber or something for me. Tell them I'm feeling sick."

Rocking her head back, Lizbeth bit the inside of her cheek. She had been just teasing him and he went and called her a bitch, when this entire thing was his fault. She didn't think this would be easy on Blake, even if she was really enjoying it, but none of this would have happened if he didn't just show up at the house she was watching, lying to his parents and spending all of his money. 'I should have never let him in and sent him packing then.' Lizbeth thought with a few shakes of her head, her chin only moving a fraction of an inch each way before she stepped closer, putting her hand on the smaller man's shoulder. "Blake, you do not use that language with me, ever."

Seeing the intensity in Liz's face, her light blue eyes practically drilling into him, Blake swallowed hard, knowing he had fucked up. He didn't even use curse words often, it wasn't something ever allowed in his household, but he was just so upset. He was going out in public wearing girl's clothes, he was wearing panties for god's sake and had a boy flirt with him. "I didn't mean that, I'm sorry you are not a... I didn't mean to say that, I'm sorry. I just... I can't do this!"

"You bet you are sorry, now tell me. If I called you an uber where would you go? Back to the Mauro's place? Can't do that, maybe I can send you home in your cute little outfit?"

"I... I..." Blake stuttered, not really sure where he would go looking the way he did. "I didn't think of that."

"No, you didn't, just like you didn't think before you spoke when it seemed like a good idea to curse at me to get your way. So no, no uber will be called, instead we are going to go into the restaurant and you are going to act like a good girl, no more foul language. You are going to play your part so that you don't get found out, unless that is your goal?" she gave Blake another intense look till he shook his head. "Now I want to hear you tell me you will be a good girl or so help me, that reward I promised won't be there for you."

House Sitter- Boyfriend feminised by girlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now