Kim Minji (NWJNS)

962 44 11

| plucking your veins like the strings of your guitar.

note: hmm... that's how im gonna describe this one.


minji has nnever been the type of person to really care about the insignificant things around her life nor has she ever been the type of person who is afraid to try things she's never done before. one could say she's pretty determined and brave, confident and strong — but sometimes minji could be quite mindless of things she considers minor in her busy life. her biggest flaw might be her selfishness, her need to fulfill the desires of her flesh, whether it could be greed of power, fame, money or lust. But what could they say? minji is popular, loved and adored by many people of different age groups — it shouldn't matter that one girl like her could be mean-spirited, right?

every show minji appears on, every concert she does with her band, she always manages to carve her name in everyone's mind, the image of her youthful, fresh, and beautiful face imprinted in everyone's eyes. even tonight, as minji held her gibson les paul guitar her aura is no different, full of confidence and no regrets, no dilemma nor trivial thoughts. she pursues a perfect performance but at the same time carries overflowing confidence enough for her to put the thought of practicing one last time in the back of her mind.

"i'm sweating hard right now." the youngest in the band, their drummer — hyein says, fanning herself with her hand while the other held her pair of drumsticks. hyein's eyes darts at the door of their room, waiting for any signal that they should be outside by now. just like everyone in the band, hyein also sought out for perfection for their performance but unlike the oldest, hyein has thoughts of different possibilities inside of her head. "calm down, you're going to be alright." says haerin, the band's bassist. she's much calmer, cool-headed but hot-blooded, she's one who is determined to practice well for a good performance and doesn't settle with just what she thinks is good.

"oh come on hyein! you did so well last time, you're gonna do even better tonight!" hanni, the second oldest and the band's lead vocal slash rhythm guitar embraces the youngest in a hug, followed by the group's synthesizer — danielle, who also wrapped her arms around the tallest girl in the room, even giggling. "hugs! hanni, hyein! you guys are so warm!" danielle cheers, even tightening her hold.

"haerin-unnie! minji-unnie, come on here!" hyein laughed but was ignored by the two other members. "pass, maybe after the performance." minji says, shrugging as she stood at the corner of the room. haerin's eyes watched over the older girl, before shaking her head with a small tug of the corner of her lips. "no thanks." she mutters.

hyein rolled her eyes playfully and said. "you two are such a cornball." the two aussies of the band laughed, until the room was filled with shared laughters and chatters.

not too far from the stage, a girl stood by the sea of crowd, looking up at the stage right in front of her — the loud sound of the bass kicking against the speakers, the roaring of the crowd, every hit of the drum echoes against the walls of thin air and hanni's voice meets the cheers of their fans. y/n could totally hear the way the girls shrieked, behind her, in front, to the left, and even to her right — they're all screaming like their lives depend on it.

and they're all screaming for different girls of the band, some where for haerin, danielle, hanni, but most are for minji — these girls scream like there's no tomorrow, there's no next time, and act like there's no next comcert for the band. they're all so desperate to be noticed, whenever y/n takes a few seconds to listen to the screams of these people, she realizes how the stadium is much closer to hell than it seems like.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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