🧡Rise - Pay Attention to ME

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Art is by Yanteetle on Tumblr

TW: Injury, blood, drugging, mention of stalking

Note: Y/n and Mikey are already in a relationship when the story starts.


Lately Mikey had been off, everyone had noticed it but nobody had addressed it. Y/n and Mikey had been dating for about three months and it started off good, considering she had no idea that he was stalking her and fantasizing about her before they had even started to date. That didn't matter now though. What mattered is that Mikey was jealous of his brothers and April, along with the attention they got from his beloved Y/n.

Of course everyone knew Mikey was a bit dramatic and attention dependent but it had gotten a lot worse in the past week. Whenever Y/n was talking to his brothers or April for too long he would either purposely fail a skateboard stunt and hurt himself for her attention, or he would cut himself while cooking. Everyone knew how bad it was getting but nobody talked to him about it until one day Y/n snapped at him. It was after he had attempted to do a fakie frontside 180 that he knew how to do and was good at. But he purposely messed the trick up so he had fallen onto his face and got a split lip. It was after that, Y/n pulled him up roughly by his arm.

She dragged him to his room and slammed the door behind them, she was fuming. "What is wrong with you?!" She shouts at him as she glares daggers at him. "You're really starting to piss me and everyone else off with this shit Angelo!" She continued shouting at the turtle who just stared at her looking shocked by her sudden outburst at him. He had blood dripping from his lip onto the floor since Y/n hadn't dealt with it yet.

"What do you mean? It's not my fault I'm clumsy! You know that!" The turtle shot back as he looked at her. "You're never this clumsy! Everything you've hurt yourself doing lately I've seen you do perfectly fine before so what the fuck is going on with you!" She retorts before going and getting an alcohol wipe from her bag that was in his room. She tears it open and walks back over to him starting to address his current injury.

"Look I'm sorry for yelling but seriously Mike, what's wrong with you?" She asks as she tries to calm herself down so she wouldn't yell at him anymore than she had despite the anger still boiling inside her. "You're around my brothers and April more than you hangout with me lately. I'm your boyfriend if you forgot so I should get most of your time, not them." He replied as he looked at her like a hurt puppy. Though something had snapped in him and he was enraged.

"Then all you have to do is tell me that Mike. You know I'll always make time for you. But they're my friends too and I'm allowed to hangout with them when I want to.." She said with a small sigh as she finished cleaning the blood up from his lip. "It looks like you'll need Donnie to give you a couple stitches for this one.. Just next time tell me and I will come with you okay.?" She says before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and leaves the room.

With a huff Mikey went to Donnie's lab and got a stitch for his lip before he went to make supper. On his way out of the lab he had snagged a bottle of sleeping pills from Donnie's desk saying he needed them because he was having trouble sleeping. Donnie nodded and went back to his work.

Once supper was finished Mikey had dropped a couple of pills into Y/n's drink and placed it with her food on the table before calling everyone to eat. After everyone had eaten their food they all went to watch a show in the projector room. Y/n started to feel tired so she excused herself and went to Mikey's room to sleep. Mikey went with her and cuddled up right next to her in his bed. Before unconsciousness took her she heard Mikey whisper something that made her blood run cold. "Maybe now you'll pay attention to me." He whispered before placing a kiss on her head. She was about to live in a complete nightmare after what had happened that day.


Word count: 735

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