💖Rise - Love Bites

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TW: Mention of blood, biting, Stockholm syndrome, and captivity

Note: Raph and reader are already in a relationship.


Raph usually wasn't the type to hurt me, but when he saw some old messages on my phone between me and an ex that I haven't talked to in over 3 years, he lost it. So here I am, currently cleaning up the bleeding wounds he left on my thighs. I guess in his mind he wanted to prove that I was his property.

"You should let me get Donnie to help." Raph spoke. He hated when I cleaned my own wounds, it always made him feel worse about himself. Despite the fact that he caused most of the pain, most of the time it was just accidental. Sometimes when he got really mad though, he'd hurt me. "I told you I'm fine, I can do it myself." I replied as I looked up at him briefly before continuing to tend to my wounds.

It took me all of about an hour to finally get them cleaned and to stop the bleeding. It was then that I finally let him help. I let him wrap up the freshly cleaned bite marks on my legs as I sighed quietly. "I'm sorry.. I just got a little over protective.." Raph mumbled as he wrapped up my legs. "Being over protective doesn't mean you get to hurt me Raph. I don't care how mad you are. That's not okay." I replied with a firm and sour tone.

The turtle only huffed and continued to wrap up the damage he had caused. Once he was done he looked up at me with regret in his eyes. "I'm sorry Y/n.. I really am.." He said before standing up. It was a trap and I knew it, but I still fell for it, like I did everytime. "It's okay Raph. Just please don't do it again. You know I don't love anyone besides you.." I replied, knowing that was the only way I would still have my phone privileges.

Raph was pretty easy to gain the trust of. I had his trust from the moment he met me, but I didn't want to ruin my chances of escape, so for now I just fed into his sick fantasy. I truly did love him, and still do in a way. But I miss how he was before he became obsessive and over-bearing. "How about we just cuddle up and watch a movie. That'll make you happy right?" I said, trying to cheer him up a bit.

He nodded before he crawled into our shared bed and curled up beside me, wrapping one of his arms around my body to keep me close. "I love you Y/n.. I promise I won't hurt you again." He mumbled before turning on the tv that he had gotten Donnie to set up for us. I nodded and sighed a bit. "I love you too, big guy.." I said before I turned my head to look at the tv.

Maybe one day I would get the heart to run away. But for now, I was just fine with cuddling up next to Raph. He did keep me safe after all. That and no matter what he did, I don't think I could ever stop loving him.


Word Count: 536

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