🧡12 - I Had to do Something

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TW: Kidnapping, bodily restraint, mentions of murder and death, yandere themes

Note: C/n means "crush name" 


Lately I've noticed Mikey has been acting a little off. He's been so anxious but he won't talk to his brothers or even me about it. We've all tried to talk to him but he won't say anything. So today I finally had enough, I was going to go to the lair and get him to talk and tell me what was wrong.

I walked into the lair and the atmosphere seemed tense. When I walked in I greeted everyone before heading to Mikey's room to see what was wrong. I knocked on the door before I walked in and looked at him. "Hey Mikey, what's up?" I questioned as I looked at the turtle who was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. "Have you ever met someone that made you feel crazy? Like you love them so much you would do anything for them?" He responded to my question.

I was a bit taken aback by his statement but I sat on the edge of the bed thinking it over. "No I don't think I have. I mean I love my friends and family but I don't know if I would do absolutely anything for them." I replied as I looked at Mikey. He let out a small huff before he sat up and looked at me. I felt a shiver go down my spine, and it wasn't a good one. He was looking at me with almost an animalistic look in his eyes.

"I think you made me go crazy Y/n. Nobody else has made me feel the way I feel about you." He said as he continued to look at me intently. "I just want to keep you safe, no matter what it takes. I think I've been doing a good job of that so far too." He added to his statement before letting out a low chuckle. "What did you do Mikey..?" I asked as I got up from the bed and looked at him. A looming sense of fear and dread clouding my mind.

He got up right after me. "Only what I had to. I mean come on, that guy was going to take you away from me. I can't have that happening." I started to slowly back away from him, but he grabbed my arm to stop me. "Come on Y/n, I had to do something, I would have lost you if I didn't. Besides I did this for you. He was no good for you but you didn't see that so I needed to do something about it because you wouldn't." He said as he pulled me against his plastron.

I was too scared to fight back, I was frozen against him. Even if I tried to fight against him I would've lost. "Now that you're here I guess I can finally keep you here right? In the name of keeping you safe." Mikey said after not getting any response from me. He picked me up with ease and set me back down on his bed. Then he put a handcuff on my wrist that was attached to the headboard. "There now I'll always know where you are." He said cheerfully.

The reality had set in of what all happened. C/n didn't just stop answering me, Mikey killed him and hid it from me. Now he wanted to keep me with him forever. I don't know how long I'll be able to be here before he gets over this and lets me go. No matter how long it takes, I'll wait it out. Once I'm free I'll get as far away from him and the others as I can.


Word count: 612

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