💜Rise - Bittersweet Freedom

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TW: Stalking, psychological torture, bodily restraint, and yandere themes


It had been a couple weeks since I had escaped from Donnie in his lab. I knew I wouldn't be able to stay in New York so I moved out of state to a small cabin in the woods that my family owned. Nobody knew about it, not even April. I knew I was safe there, at least I thought I was.

Tonight the worst thing imaginable happened to me. He found me. It started at 5pm, the psychological torment I mean. First it was scratching at the windows, then banging on the doors, and then the phone calls started. Donnie was smart, I'll give him that. He broke me before he even got into the damn house.

I knew he had gotten in the house once the lights went out. I was already hiding in my bedroom, under my bed. It was on the second floor, which meant that Donnie would need to look around the basement and main floor before he got to me. I had time, for false hope to seep into my brain that he wouldn't find me. It was just that, false hope.

I don't know how much time had passed before I finally heard the heavy footsteps making their way up the stairs. The thing that scared me most was the thought of when he got me, he was a lot larger now due to adulthood than he was when he first took me. His raw strength alone was enough to make me freeze.

I heard him opening doors and looking through rooms before he finally got to my room. He opened the door and my breath got caught in my throat as tears started to well up in my eyes. I knew he was going to get me and there was nothing I could do about it. I heard my bed creak and felt the frame give as he sat down above me.

"Come out Y/n. I know you're in here." Donnie said, making his voice sound sickly sweet, though I could tell he was furious. "If you come out I promise to make your punishment for running away from me bearable." He added as if that would make me come out of hiding. When he got no response he got up. "Well if you won't come out I guess I'll have to make you."

He walked over to my closet and opened it, emptying the contents onto the floor. Moments later my tv stand was thrown over and smashed to pieces. The whole time he destroyed my room he was muttering to himself. Once my room was trashed he came towards the bed. By this point I had tears streaming down my face as I held my breath.

I couldn't see his feet or shadow so I knew he was behind me. He knelt down and I felt his hand roughly grab my ankle causing me to let out a yelp before he pulled me out. Once I was out I started to kick at him to no use, he grabbed both my legs and pinned them down. I looked up at him with a fearful expression to which he just laughed. "If I knew you were going to look at me like that I would have come to get you sooner baby." He cooed as he glared down at me.

I felt my chest tighten, I couldn't make a sound. All I could do was look up at him in fear. "Now, we're going home and I can guarantee you that I will never let you out of my sight again." He growled before injecting something into me. Within moments I felt sleepy, and in seconds I was asleep. When I woke up I was back in the lair, in Donnie's bed with a chain connecting my wrist to his bed. Beside me laid the softshell, his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist.

I blew my only chance of ever escaping. I was trapped there forever now and there was no leaving him.


Word count: 674

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