Shut Up And Let Me Go

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The tension in the room is almost laughable, especially considering I'm the one causing it. I had explicitly stated that I did not want anyone seeing me in this condition, but apparently, consent is not a term the Romano's are accustomed to. They all stand and stare at me, and I quietly eat my small cup of ice cream, doing my best to ignore their unwelcome presence.Their doctor told me that the feeling of depression I was going through was quite normal for someone with my trauma. He was correct about it eventually going away but now I'm more angry than I have been in my entire life. When I think of that man, rage consumes up to the point that I am on the verge of passing out. And more importantly, I just hate every single person in this damn room, well in exemption of one.

Lydia is the first to approach me, wearing a huge smile on her face. However, it doesn't convey happiness, instead, it exudes a sense of satisfaction in seeing where I currently stand compared to her.

"You have no idea how good it is to see you," she says, but I remain silent, as the feeling is not mutual. I don't want to be anywhere, for that matter. I wish I could fall back into a deep slumber and never wake up.

"How are you feeling, Nastasia?" Hassan asks next, wearing a convincing look of concern on his face. It might be sincere, but I also harbor resentment toward him. I resent the man who used to make me laugh the most, I resent the twins I used to get high with, and I especially resent the person who now has blond hair. How things have changed since I've been gone.

"I want to go home." I speak quite frankly and coldly.

"I'm afraid that's not possible." I stare at Trulijo with a blank expression with my mind made up. I despised him the most of all. He's the creator of all this evil and pain, his wife is a smart woman getting away from him.

"Do you remember what happened?" Hassan continues, and initially, I contemplate ranting about the unbelievable experience of being shot by Silva. However, out of curiosity, I decide to lie instead.

"Not really. Apparently, I was shot by someone, but I haven't gotten any answers," I gracefully lie through my teeth. I play with the look of confusion on my face, waiting for someone to speak.

"It was-"

"It was intruders," Trulijo speaks, cutting off Manon. She looks down with a defeated look. At least someone was going to be honest. "We were crossed by people we trusted, and they tried to kill you as collateral."

"Oh my god!" I fake out with a gasp. "I can't believe it..." It goes silent with everyone still watching me.

"I can't believe you honestly think I would believe that bullshit! I know exactly what happened to me and who did this. The fact that you would lie to my face, do I look dumb to you, Trulijo?" I ask him, but he doesn't respond. ''Just know this, you better kill me while you have the chance because I promise, you're going to regret bringing me here," I tell him, being as honest as I possibly can. I have nothing but murder on my mind, and he is the first to go.

"You of all people should know we don't do good with threats."

"It's not a threat, it's a fucking warning. Now you're dismissed i don't want to look at you anymore." I cross my arms, turning my face the other way with my eyes closed.


I had a feeling he was possibly making his way towards me but I didn't care.

"You know what, Nastasia? I'll make sure that my son finishes what he started," I hear him say right next to me, prompting me to open my eyes.

"Ok, cool!" I say with sarcasm. I know it only angers him more, bringing a smile to my face. "You can still leave in the meantime," I tell him, and it takes a few more glares before he's out. "You too, blondie, get the fuck out!" I say referring to Lydia. "Matter of fact, if you carry the last name Romano, you have five seconds to leave before I start throwing shit," I threaten, and one by one, they all leave, leaving only Manon behind.

"I don't know where to start, Stasi, but I feel as if I'm partly responsible for this," she says, teary-eyed as soon as she begins speaking. I kind of feel bad for her, but I don't know what to say.

"Can I give you a hug?" she asks, almost reluctantly, and I nod my head. She quickly rushes to embrace me, her shoulders moving up and down. She is sobbing.

It doesn't take long for her to calm down before she starts explaining her side of the story. She details how she heard us fighting and then the gunshots, witnessing me bleeding out and being thrown into the elevator, where I hit my head. That fall damaged me pretty good, and that's how I ended up in a coma for as long as I did.

"Well, I appreciate you being here for me, but it's not your fault. And I do forgive you for everything that happened in the past. Truth be told, I've never needed someone as much as I do now. Barely being able to walk is hard on me, I've never felt so helpless," I admit.

"It's only temporary, and soon enough, you'll be back to being that person who fights whoever she has to." she reassures.

I laugh a little, wiping my tears away. I feel broken but her being here for me right now is showing me that not everything is bad.

"By the way, Mr. Romano does not plan to tell Silva that you're awake yet because he's taken a contract to kill 200 politicians in Mexico. Knowing Silva he would probably abandon the deal to get to you."

"Well how long do I have?" I ask her.

"I don't know, maybe a month. But please don't do anything to make him angry. Seriously, the last thing I want is for him to kill you."

"Don't worry, I'll be on my best behavior," I assure her, at least until I'm back on my feet.

A/N Only like 15 chapters to go... I wonder how the epilogues will be like...

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