Here Forever

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I checked three times; you are missing four million." I tell him again. I watch for a reaction and see a stoic look on his face.

"Where is the inconsistency?"

"The casino, the money from the 3rd floor, isn't matching up."

He snatches the books from me and looks at them for himself.

"This is why you can't be kind to people. I give these dirty bastards a place to sleep, and this is what they do. Come on." Romano walks out, leaving me to rush behind him. We were having a great time talking until I told him the news.

"How did you not notice it?" I ask him as we get on the elevator.

"I just expect everyone to be smart, but I guess I was wrong."

I didn't say anything else. I just follow him into the limo. I didn't know why he wanted me to go with him, but I wasn't objecting. He seemed really mad about the money being stolen, but to me, I think he's more angry about the audacity they had to take it.

"Nastasia, based on what you read, how could I get that money back quick?"

I look over at him, confused.

"You don't know?" He stares at me, wanting me to continue, so I take time to think before coming up with a solution.

"Well, I don't condone anything you're doing, but if you were to slow the amount of pills coming in, you should make it back quick. It's making good money, but not as much as the other substances you have coming in."

"How much did cocaine bring in?"

"Well, over 800 million, but that's just from last year."


I continue to stare at him as he looks out the window. He's such a fine older man; I've always had a thing for people like him. Not criminals but successful men, but I never tried to pursue them because I have authority issues. They're so arrogant and controlling; that's exactly why Trullijo is in this predicament.

"Why did you want me to go through your business? You don't even know me." I ask,

"I know enough."

"Oh, so what exactly do you know about me?"

"I've let you question me too much; I'm done explaining things to you."

"What if I were to go to the fbi about everything? I'm just confused on why you let me see it." He sighs, leaning over to pop a bottle of champagne open. He then grabs two cups, pouring some into both before handing me one.

"Let's relax; you think too much."

"Uh?" For the life of me, I couldn't comprehend what was happening. He drank all of his champagne before resting his head on my legs. I just look at him as he closes his eyes, as if he were going to fall asleep.

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