Loving Girls

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In my gut this being a bad feeling never left. My eldest son is a psychopath, the twins are sex addicts and drug maniacs and Nadia is judgemental and doesn't seem to like anyone. So I don't know why she wants to invite these girls into our home.

Recently, I told her how I met her father, omitting some details, of course. Now she wants people to come from different parts of the world to have the same experience. I said no immediately, but then she went to her daddy, who never rejects anything she wants.

We had an argument because I know this is wrong! This household is unstable in more than one way, and the last thing we need is more targets for our sons to go after.

"I'll have Nadia warn them about our sons, but at the end of the day, they're all grown and do what they want."

"But why do you have to undermine me?! I told her no, and you go behind my back!" I yelled at him. This is a recurring issue, I can never win against Nadia when it comes to him. She's so spoiled and unlikable sometimes. I know she's my daughter, and I've tried bonding with her, but it doesn't work out. It's like we have nothing in common. She's closer to Lydia than to me. Nadia isn't athletic and won't do anything that makes her sweat more than necessary, and she's a crybaby.

Out of all my children, only one of them turned out like me, and he's not even here. Pierre decided to move to California to become a plastic surgeon, and he's very successful there. I couldn't be more proud that at least one of my children decided to take a more traditional approach.

"Mom, Dad, the girls are here," Nadia says with a huge smile on her face. She pops in for a second before running off to greet them. All I could do was place my hand over my head, becoming annoyed. Not only are there going to be six strangers in our home, but it's also going to become a lot louder.

"Why rob our daughter of this experience? If you're worried about Sonny, he hasn't set his eyes on a woman in years, and I doubt any of these girls will catch his interest."

"I just don't want there to be any trouble, Silva. You enable your children's bad behavior, leaving me with heartburn and anxiety. I'm telling you now, I will leave for the States and stay with Sharon if it becomes too much."

"What are you trying to say?" He asks grabbing my arm pulling me to him.

"Don't put words in my mouth, I'm simply saying that if this experiment goes wrong, I won't be the one staying here to witness it."

"You act like our children are monsters."

"They're definitely a danger to society, you're a danger to society!" I say pushing him away from me. In general, the Romano's have become more known due to the media and Sonny's reckless behavior. Because of his involvement in cartels, our name is known as one of the most violent and dangerous families out here.

"But I'm not surprised, look at who I decided to have babies with. I just wish they could chill out sometimes."

"You're acting like you didn't run through the city terrorizing me. I didn't know what you were doing or where you were for days straight. But you came home safe and untouched, right? It should give you peace that our children are smart enough not to get themselves hurt. Besides, they're grown now, and they need to learn from their own experiences. We can't shield them forever."

"Mom, dad!" Nadia yells grabbing our attention. I look at him once more before leaving out.

As I made my way down the stairs, I could hear girls talking loudly, clearly excited to be here as they take in our home. Seeing their reaction makes me smile as I descend the stairs.

"This is my mom and dad." She introduces us and I ignore the looks they were giving my husband knowing it was hard not to stare.

"It's such a pleasure to meet all of you," I tell them, shaking their hands. Let's see, there was Ashley, a white girl from California; Nina from the Philippines; Alexa from Mexico; Jenny from South Korea; and Micah from London. But I could have sworn there should have been six.

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