Chapter 2 - Beach day (Saturday)

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Nick's POV:

We all woke up at about 10 in the morning on saturday. The sun shone through the curtains lighting up Charlie's face. He's so beautiful. The light also radiated on Lil and her blonde, messy hair. I love them both so much. They're perfect.

I get up first, filling up Daisy's water bowl and giving her some treats. Ok, maybe I wasn't up first, Daisy was. Usually when we sleep in daisy sits by the window in the hallway that is low to the ground and looks out to all the people. It's Daisy's favourite spot. She's such a good dog.

I wander through the house, not doing anything beneficial. I had a couple slices of toast and scrolled through instagram at the kitchen table. That's my favourite spot in the house. I think it's probably Charlie's too but I'm not sure. It's right next to a beautiful window which overlooks our garden. It's honestly huge. There's a large tree right at the back of the field where we hung a tire swing for Lil. Right now, most of the leaves are on the floor or slightly growing back. The sun was peeking from behind the fence at the side of the garden, lightning up the mildewy grass. I can't wait to go play with the girls out there later, they will want to. They always want to.

I wonder for a while what to do for the day. I ponder the idea of a park further away with lots of equipment for lil, a path to walk Daisy down and a food stand. I search through the website, scrolling through the photos and reviews. It looks lovely but maybe it's a summer thing. I also search for indoor play centres, not much for me and Charlie but Lilly has been wanting to go to one for a while. Then again, maybe it was just a day where we could stay in and do nothing. We could visit my mum? I decide to wait until Charlie wakes up to see what he wants to do.

With that, Lils comes wandering down rubbing her eyes and carrying her teddy, miss bunny, by her floppy ear.

"Good morning sweetheart"

"Morning daddy" she says this through a yawn. Why is it that when you lay in your more tired? She comes and sits by me, her pigtails messed up and her pyjama top crooked.

"Can I have some coco pops please daddy?" she says quietly.

"Of course," I say, getting up to get her some. Before I do, I kiss her forehead and wander to the cupboard to grab the half-full box of coco pops.

"Ew" she says laughing.

"Do you not like kisses?" I ask really dramatically, playing with her.

"Not big sloppy ones like that!" she cries back.

"Oh," I say turning to her, "you think that was a big sloppy kiss? Let me show you one then!" I say coming towards her, lips puckered up and chasing her around the kitchen. She's giggling and hiding behind tables and chairs. It's honestly adorable. Eventually, I caught her, scooping her into my arms like a baby, lifting her head to my lips. Of course I kissed her multiple times before putting her down to eat her cereal.

"Have you learnt your lesson?" i say teasing her again

"Yes, I have, I will no longer say no to kisses," she says laughing. I know she's lying as a joke. It's amazing. She has the best sense of humour.

Charlie's POV:

I woke up to the sound of crashing and really loud giggling. I made out that it was both of them laughing. There are worse ways to wake up I suppose but it was still annoying. Also, that headache I had last night? Still there. The stomach ache? Worse. No, it's not the worst pain of my life, and no it's not unbearable. Just uncomfortable.

When I think all of the chaos downstairs has calmed down, I venture slowly to the kitchen. Lil and Nick are sitting at the table, Nick on his phone and Lils shovelling spoonfuls of coco pops into her mouth.

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