Chapter 17: Ill always come and get you, baby

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Nicks POV:

When I get to the bar, I slump down beside Otis and the rest of the lads that had gathered.

"You look a bit shit" Otis states bluntly, "we're meant to be having fun! Or can you not do that now your a bloody dad!" He doesn't mean this in a bad way, he was actually beaming whilst saying, possibly hoping his enthusiasm was infectious.

"Nah, it's not that. It's Char,"

"Shit, what's up mate?" Otis has always been a good mate. He's the first one I came to all the time if I needed to talk about Charlie.

"He's pissed at me for what I'm wearing...I think, I don't really know mate."

"Sounds a bit childish doesn't it? Also surely you can wear what you want where you want? Clothes don't mean nothing anymore" He states after taking a sip of his beer.

"I guess. I mean I don't really blame him. This isn't really going to the bar with ur mates this is," I take a look at myself, physically and metaphorically before continuing, "I mean, maybe I have messed up!"

"Mate, it's clothes, you're married with two kids. What does he thinks going to happen?"

"Yeah you're right" I say, sitting up slightly so I'm no longer resting my elbow on the table.

"I'm gonna get you a beer mate!" He says before getting up. I debate telling him what Charlie had said about not having too much, but I don't. That was my first mistake I suppose.

Later that night I was talking to another lad from high school, Sai.

"Mate, your doing good by the sounds of it but use tonight as an excuse to loosen up a bit. Having a newborns hard." He clinks our glasses together and slumps back further in his chair.

Is it hard?

These few weeks of having Noah have been incredible. Like, perfect even. So how can I be complaining? As I beginning expressing this to Sai and, now Otis who has joined us, I'm cut off,

"Lads, we're going to the club down the street, you coming?"

I know what my answer should've been, but it wasn't.

"Yeah, sure!" I say this almost too quickly to my brain to get up to speed.

Once at the club, I'm the one stood buying drinks, and I've had a lot more to drink than I probably should've. Then, someone comes up behind me and places their hands in my pockets. Im immediately taken aback because there's no possible way it can be charlie.

"Get off!" I shout drunkenly over the music.

"Alright, your missing out if you're gonna shut me down so quick! I could've made your night very special." She says, removing her hands but bringing her face really close to mine.

"Im married,"

"Course you are" she mocks, placing her finger over my lips. I immediately pull back.

"Oh you don't believe me?" I say, but she obviously took this as flirting. It most definitely wasn't.

"No, I don't!" She giggles and that's when I finally click that she's still trying. I pull out my phone and show her photos of Noah and Lily and Charlie. She leaves hurriedly after a photo of us all together and one of me holding Noah in the hospital, when he had only just been born.

I stare at the photos even after she's left though. I slump down the wall, tears falling as I realize how shit I'm being. I text Charlie.

Char 💗
N- im sorryyyu I lobe youuuu
C- How drunk are you baby?
N- do you love me teo
C- yes baby. Should I come pick you up?
N- no keep Lik ans Naih warm.
C- Nicholas tell me where you are.
N- are yoi mad?
C- a little bit but your safety is more important.

Charlie's POV:

When I find out where Nick is, I pick him up and he stammers into the car.

"Nick, are you okay?" I whisper shout, considering the fact that the children are sleeping in the back of the car. Nick however isn't too considerate with his volume.

"You came to get me!" He sounds terrible.

"I'll always come and get you baby!"

"I'm so sorry baby, I'm a terrible dad and husband!" He's hiccuping a lot, and hugging me tightly by the side.

"No, baby you're not it's okay," I run my hand through his fringe.

"You told me not to get drunk so you had to come out and I did! I should've been at home with you and Noah and lily!" He's crying now, "are you mad at me?" He says this a lot quieter.

"Slightly, but you're allowed to go out and have fun, it's a shame you got so drunk but I'm not mad, baby" I kiss his forehead and push him off of me so we can drive away.

"I love you," he cowers.

"I love you too, even when you smell of very strong alcohol." I laugh, "plus, you'll make up for it with the hangover you'll have tomorrow."

He falls back into the chair and he's asleep before we are even halfway home.

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