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This is a teaser (the first chapter) of my new story called Nick and Charlie:figuring things out. I'm really proud of it so I'd really appreciate it if you checked out the story! You can add it to your read list or read the rest by going to my profile and seeing my stories! I really hope you enjoy it!

Takes place one year after the Nick and Charlie novella, but they never got back together (this will end well I swear)


Tao and Elle have forced me to come out to a party with them in Leeds as we are staying for the weekend as Tao goes to Uni here. Am I exactly thrilled? No. However, I agreed to go as I really need to get pissed. I had just been broken up with by a guy called Matt. To be honest, this was the first time in a long while that a breakup had hurt so much.

"Come on Charlie!" Elle says, "we've got to go!"

Honestly, the closer we get to the house the less I want to go. It's going to be just like all the high school parties and I'm going to be left alone. Elle and Tao are definitely going to go off to fool around somewhere so I'll be all alone. All alone. I guess that's all I am now, alone.


I lost Elle and Tao about an hour into the party. It was only a house party, so it wasn't that big of a deal as we knew the person hosting from high school. I had had about 3 vodka lemonades at this point, so I was pretty drunk. That's when I caught a glimpse of someone, he had fluffy light brown hair. As he turned to face my direction, I realized he looked very similar to Matt, and I broke down.

Tears streamed down my face as I downed about 2 and a half glasses of vodka lemonade. My vision is blurred as I stammer down a semi-crowded hallway. I'm pissed.

My body collides with a small, sharp edged table. A sudden gush of pain hits my side. When I touch it I realize that I'm bleeding from the side. It hurts like a bitch.

My body gives way as I slide down the wall and bring my knees to my body, still crying. Why did I miss him so much? I don't even know if I really loved him. If I did, I know I've loved harder.

"Charlie? Are you okay?" Someone says as they tower above my cowering body.
"Tao go away, let me be alone!" The music blares out from the next room, making my head pound. The person then crouches in front of me.
"It's not Tao," they shout, "and shit Char, you look horrible" they laugh. I may be drunk but I know exactly who it is instantly. Nick Nelson.


My boyfriend, Carter, forced me to come to this party. Don't get me wrong, I like parties and it's always fun with carter but I've been really tired recently with rugby and work and Uni.
"Pleaseeee Nickkk!" He whined the night before as we watched a marvel movie.
"Ugh fine" I say and he snuggles further into my chest. "Also I know you only want someone to drive you!" I laugh.
"Not true! It's because I love and cherish our time together and wanna get pissed and need a way to get home."


When we arrived at the party, I stayed with Carter for a while when we were sat in the conservatory.
"I'm gonna go get another drink and mingle, see you in a bit?" Carter says before getting up from off my lap and planting a kiss on my cheek. That's when I realized he wasn't coming back for a while, so I got out of there.

I walked through the crowded rooms, seemingly being the only sober person. That's when, from across the room I see someone I recognize. It's Charlie Spring.

I catch a glimpse of his face in the colorful light. It's obvious he had been crying and was absolutely pissed. Before I even know what I'm doing, I'm walking after him, pushing through the crowd of people.

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