Chapter 4 - School Trip (Wednesday)

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Nick's POV:

Today is Lilly's first school trip and Charlie is starting to feel a lot better. He managed to gather himself enough this morning to be able to wave her off and say goodbye. She went off extremely excited and told me all about where she was going and what she put in her packed lunch without asking. She seemed really happy which reassured Charlie and I.

I'm not really sure why but it was a hard day for us. We stood at the gate as the bus got further and further away.

"She's gone" Charlie's voice trembles. I grab his hand and squeeze it slightly.

"She's coming back you know" I laugh. His head hung and a silent tear fell from his eye.

"I know but..." he starts. I squeeze his hand three times and put him into a hug.

"Oh, come here, she's coming back in a couple of hours!" Then an idea pops into my head and I lift his chin so that he's looking into my eyes.

"How about we go out for lunch?"

"Yeah ok then"

We then notice that other parents are beginning to leave, so we do too.

Lilly's POV:

I waved to my daddys through the bus window, which was steaming up. I drew a little smiley face in the window, daddy always does this. Gracie looks at me from the seat next to me.

"Uncle Nick always does that doesnt he?" she laughs.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna miss them today"


"Because it's the first day out without them" I try not to sound too sad but my voice comes out very wobbly. Gracie just hugs me tightly.

"You hug like auntie darcy!" I laughed, rubbing my eyes as they had begun to well ever so slightly. We both laughed for ages because we realised that everyone was right. She's a mini Darcy and I'm a mini Nick. I guess I kinda love being like my daddy. I love being a Nelson-Spring.

We looked around the museum for a bit, it was alright. There were big paintings and glass cases filled with what Mrs Jones said was dinosaur bones and fossils. This made sense because that's what we were doing at school.

Then we sat down in a big room and were told to eat our lunch, so I did. I eat my sandwich and my grapes and my chocolate cookies I stole from the cupboard. Then a boy named Freddie (he's not in my class but he is in my year) comes and sits next to me.

"Lilly" he clears his throat and talks to me like I'm being told off.


"I have a question"


"Why do you have two dads and no mum?" He didn't sound like the other people that were genuinely curious and wanted to know. Everyone asks, I guess I'm used to it now. Usually, everyone is nice.

"What?" I say this because I wasn't actually aware he knew.

"I saw you with them at the school gate. At first I assumed that one was your uncle or brother or even friend or something but Harlo, you know your friend," he looks over to Harlo who sits looking very sorry, "said they were both your dads. That doesn't make sense?"

"Well they are yeah, one of my daddys is gay and my other daddy is bi and I'm adopted so"

"I dont really care but yeah you shouldn't have two dads should you? Were you kidnapped? You must've been because who would let two boys have a baby together" He says this not because he wants to know because he's conserned but because he wants someone to pick on.

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