Chapter 9: Adoption?

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Charlie's POV:

I sat by Nick, my legs over his.

"So, are you thinking boy or girl then? You know, really" I ask. We have been talking about adopting again for about 3 weeks.

"Umm, a boy... I really want to teach them rugby" he laughs. That's when Lils walks in, we've been trying not to let her in on our plan to give her a sibling.

It all goes silent as she stares at us in suspicion. She's picking up on it I think. She's actually a very intelligent 5 year old.

She picks up her little sippy cup she came in for and ran off back upstairs.

"Phew" Nick sighs out.

"So...a boy?" I ask

"If you're happy?"

"I'll be happy no matter what" I say snuggling into the sofa.

We both sort of sat there for a while, happy at the fact we've agreed to have a baby boy.

"Whats the time?" Nick asks sleepily.

I grab my phone that was perched on the coffee table. My eyes widen in shock.

"Did we fall asleep?" I say, flustered.

"What's the time?" Nick says again, more agitated this time.

"...10.47" I say.

"Omg, we haven't gotten Lils to bed!" He said, springing to his feet and running upstairs.

Nicks POV:

I sprint upstairs and fling open Lils bedroom door. She's sat, quietly playing on her floor, looking very tired.

"Baby, it's bed time" I say, still half asleep and running on adrenaline.

"5 more minutes!" She says.

"No sorry baby, me and daddy messed up ok, it's really late"

She got up, stomping her tiny feet slightly. Then I helped her into her pajamas and tucked her in.

As I got up to leave, Lily pulled at my shirt.

"Please don't leave daddy." I perched myself on her bed, running my finger down her nose like she likes.

Thats when the door opens slightly and I hear small, restricted sniffles. I slowly get up from where I was sat, Lils was asleep by this point.

"Char, what's wrong" I whisper, cautious not to wake lily.

He pulls me by the shirt to our room down the hallway. He then flops down onto the bed, crying into the pillow. I sat down next to him, rubbing his back in small circles.

"Come here," I say, pulling him up into my lap, "what's wrong char?"

He doesn't say anything, he just digs him head into my neck and stays there. I wait for a while before he says it.

"How can we have another one?" He eventually sobs out.


"How can we have another baby if we forgot Lily?" His eyes well up again, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Char, you're an amazing dad. This was a mistake! All parents make them! She was fine, there was no harm done" I pull him into me, reassuring him. He nods slowly into me.

"I love you, and so does lily" I chuckle, pulling him even closer to me. "And so will our baby boy"

His head lifts up to me as he pulls from my grip, sitting back against the headboard and cradling his knees. We flash each other smiles as I go to sit next to him, falling beneath the covers.

"We really having another baby then?" He asks after a little while.

"Yeah," I turn to face him, "we are". Then I place my finger on the top of his nose, running my finger down it as I did with Lily.

"I love you too," he says before slowly slipping into a deep sleep.

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