Chapter 15: Nostalgia

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Nicks POV:

I woke up on Sunday feeling insanely tired, even though i had gotten a lot of sleep already, despite having a new baby. Stumbling to the kitchen, rubbing my eyes awake, I go to the sofa and pet daisy (who sits next to me) and  scroll on socials until the rest of the house woke up.

I decide to make Noah a bottle, which he would be needing soon, when Lils comes down. She's rubbing her eyes and clinging to a small stuffed dog.

"Morning," I pause, wondering if I should say the next part, "lils, isn't that Harlow's?" I point to the small dog in her hands.

"Yeah, he left it here on accident so I'm looking after him!" She says bringing it up to her neck and cuddles it, twisting her whole body.

It gets to about 11:20 when Charlie first appears. I was feeding Noah and Lils was playing on the floor at my feet. Daisy was asleep too. I guess it was a lazy day for us all.

Slumping down on the sofa next to me Charlie asks,

"Lazy day?"

"Lazy day" I say nodding.

We decide to show Lils a movie that Charlie and I loved to watch when we were in University. It made me think of our uni days loads.

Charlie would travel up to Leeds and have lazy days then too. We would cuddle up in bed, revise (barely ever though), go clubbing, get insanely drunk and do things the both of them agreed to keep between them until they died. Embarrassing things, obviously, even if they would make very funny stories.

Charlie's POV:

The movie plays and I can only think about uni. It was genuinely the best time of my life. Even if life right now is pretty brilliant.

"Do you remember the night we watched this?" I laugh to Nick.

"Do I" He laughs back.

It was a very eventful night that was extremely fun, hilarious and embarrassing.

Beginning to recall one of my favorite nights ever, I sank further into the sofa. That night was one of my favorite nights by far. We had started by watching this very movie with Nicks flat mates whilst pre-drinking before heading to a club. I was extremely nervous because it was the first time I'd been out properly with Nicks flatmates and rugby team.

We had started of the night pub jumping and dancing to random songs we heard out places I can't recall now. I was extremely nervous, so I got like really pissed. Nick was drunk too, but babysitting me all night. Although, I was a real handful I imagine because I was running off and teaching random strangers how to properly do some TikTok dance that was trending at the time. One of Nicks rugby mates at the time said he was pissing himself all night with me there, that I should come in every night out. Nick also agreed that I was fun on a night out, but hard work. Fair enough, I suppose. However, I paid for it with the hangover I got the next morning, that's for sure. Worst. Hangover. Ever.

Nicks POV:

A song plays as the credits plays and it reminds me loads of the first time Charlie and I moved in together. We have moved twice since.

Charlie was unpacking one of the last boxes into our first flat when he found an old CD player.

"Oh look!" I remember him saying as he plugged it in, putting on a song neither of us recognized. That didn't stop me from forcing him to dance with me. We spun around the kitchen, singing odd lines we knew and laughing when I got too into it and almost pulled us both over.

"What now then? Anyone want lunch?" Charlie says as he gets up from the sofa and into the kitchen.

"Yes!!" Lils says, also getting up from where she was sat. I go to help make lunch, we all have toasties and milkshake, which went down a treat. Charlie also fed Noah another bottle.

"I wanna make a cake!" Lils says before pushing her are to the side and slurping the remainders of her milkshake.

Me and Charlie share a look before deciding to make a cake, which we suggest could be for Grandpa Julio's birthday that was coming up in a few days.

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