Blood of the Watcher

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"You're getting to be quite the pro at summoning your familiars." Emma  petted the bird on her shoulder. It cooed and nudged her fingers.

"Thank you." Said the young girl touched. "I feel the bond with them now. They understand and listen to me. You were right that I should treat them like my companions instead of weapons, once I established that bond it was easier."

The bird flew off and returned to its realm. "And it will get easier once you've strengthened that bond, but from what I've seen so far, you've already mastered it all."  Emma lounged against her favorite sunny spot by the tree, letting the sunlight touch the glyphs on her bare arms. She heard the grass rustle as Maria settled next to her and rested her head on Emma's belly.

Emma ran her fingers through Maria's golden hair like she used to do with her own daughter. There were some times Emma  wondered if Maria really was her daughter reincarnated, she would lie with Emma the exact same way long ago. (her mother said it was frequent for souls to return anew as the lives of their descendants, and Tera told her some interesting stories of when her daughter was little.)

Whatever reason, Emma was happy to have her youngest descendant in her life.

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