Starting my 4 day stay

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Kinda proof-read 

Two days later, the household had been packing to go on a trip, but the catch is, only Peter and May are going- But, Peter said me and Mayday would be staying with one of his friends. We would only be staying till Wednesday, so only part of today and only 4 full days. That reminds me though, I should text Serena.


                                                                                                                  Yo girlypop


Heyyy you on your family trip yet?


                                             Nah not yet, we leave at 7pm, still got awhile


Shii, we should call then I wanna see your new



                                     All I have is a bed It's really not much but I'll                                                                                                                         show you when I  unpack all my things                                                                                                         Maybe I can ask if you Can come over and helk                                              



Bro I would love to help Is Mr Parker chill with that though?


                                      He probably is but I gotta ask both people, yk?


Yea nah I get it. we should call till you have to leave tho 🤯


                   Yea bet, got like 2 hours till I  have to go. you start the call



And we called for the whole 2 hours. We couldn't do much since my room wasn't set up at all, and I didn't wanna show the Parker's house off without asking. But for the 2 hours we joked around and talked about meeting up and all that. Time flew by so quickly because by the time I checked the clock again, it was already 6:30. I told Serena goodbye and hung up because the household had to get ready to leave by now.

As I was taking my bag to the car, Peter called me from inside the house. I answered waiting for his response. "Y/n I gotta talk to you about something" that worried me, I'm not sure why, but I started walking back in the house to the living room. "So y/n this friend of mine..he uh" I kept getting more nervous "ok so you know how I'm spiderman right?" I nodded my head. "My friend is also a Spiderman, but from another universe" I was completely unfazed by that "you don't seem to be shocked at all" Peter said a little worried.

"Yea I kinda knew about it, you know, making portals with a watch kinda gives that away" he didn't know what to say but continued to talk. "Well then... I just wanna warn you about my friend, he's got a bit of an attitude" he paused and took a breath "look kid, just don't worry too much about it he's not gonna hurt you or anything. Just don't mind his anger issues" he rustled my hair and got up "I'm gonna go get Mayday, you go get my watch" I went into their room, grabbed his watch and ran back to the living room so I could get my bag.

Peter got back with Mayday, handed her to me, then grabbed his watch. "Alright, you ready y/n?" I nodded my head. He set the correct earth into the watch, and started it up. After a few seconds a holographic looking portal formed right in our living room. "Do we just walk in..?" Peter grabbed Mayday's bag and put her in his baby holster. He started walking up to the portal "c'mon kid you'll be fine" he reached his hand out for me to take. I grabbed his hand and my bag and we walked through. "Welcome to spider society!" He looked extremely excited and put his arms out showcasing the view. I had no words-

"THIS IS AMAZINGGGG" I wanted to explore every inch of the this place, but I couldn't, not today at least. "Y/n we gotta hurry, I gotta get back to the house so me and May can leave" we started walking down a few bridges that were somehow standing without any pillars or any kind of support. The whole time I was looking around and saying hi to any spiderman that passed. Finally we got to Miguel's part of the building. "Bro he lives in a cave? That's not creepy or anything.." Peter gave me a look. "Sorry." we kept walking into his workspace office thing, and got to the last room.

Gotta wait till next chapter for a full day 1 🤭(tell me how the story is so far)

713 words 💪🏽

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